  • 學位論文


Michel Foucault : Thought from Outside

指導教授 : 林春明


這是一篇關於域外(Dehors)的論文。其主要工作是理解域外與解釋域外,探究域外的組成物、運動方式及其效果。 本論文將從「域外」的討論為起點,貫穿傅柯的思想歷程,藉由傅柯歷年的作品來探索這個始終存在又從不現身概念。「域外思想」(La pensée du dehors)最初是一篇發表在Critique雜誌的文章,其內容主要在向已故文學家布朗修(Maurice Blanchot)致敬。除了這篇同名文章外,在傅柯有生之年沒有繼續深入討論這個概念。直到傅柯去世後,德勒茲才在名為Foucault的著作中發揚這個未被重視的思想。基於此一理由,我們首先必須深入La pensée du dehors這篇專文,以理解何謂傅柯所指的「域外思想」。接著,試圖將「域外思想」反應至往後的著作,以考察「域外」在傅柯思想中蘊含的價值。研究時除了以專文La pensée du dehors為基底外,亦參考德勒茲的解讀以及傅柯的其他著作來具體化「域外」的形象。 是故,在章節安排上,我們選擇以〈界限〉及〈皺摺〉作為本文前兩章的論述主題,其主要參考文本分別是傅柯撰寫的La pensée du dehors與德勒茲所著的Foucault。整體內容首先探討傅柯的界限思考,而後進入皺摺、主體化,最後再思考域外的本質並試圖整合先前的概念。


傅柯 域外 外邊 界限 皺褶 主體


This is a thesis about Outside. The major work of the thesis is not only to understand and explain the concept of Outside but also to research its elements, its dynamic mode and its effects. In this thesis, we start from discussing of Outside through out the course of Foucault’s thinking, and explore this concept which exists all the time but had never appeared by studying up Foucault’s work over the years. “The Thought from Outside” was originally published in Critique, in which the content shows Foucault’s salutes to a litterateur Maurice Blanchot. In addition to this article of the same title, Foucault had never probed into this subject again for the rest of his life. After Foucault’s death, Deleuze carried forward this important but unvalued thought in his book “Foucault.” Based on the same reason, we must go deep in to the article “The Thought from Outside” in order to realize what’s the thought from Outside referred by Foucault. Then, we try to relate it with the subsequent works of Foucault to examine the value implicated in his thought. During the studying, “The Though from Outside” was a basement to specify the image of “Outside,” besides, Deleuze’s interpretation and Foucault’s other writings were the reference of this research as well. Hence, for the arrangement of the chapters, we choose and as the themes of the first two chapters to deal with, the main reference texts were La pensée du dehors by Michel Foucault and Foucault by Deleuze. In the overall content we at first attempt to treat the thinking of the Limits by Foucault, and then enter the Fold, the Subjectification, and finally conclude the nature of Outside and try to integrate the previous concept(s).


Foucault limit fold outside subject


——, 〈分裂分析傅柯IV:界限存有論與邊界-事件系譜學〉
——, 〈分裂分析傅柯III:內在性知識論與內在性倫理學〉
I. Oeuvres de Michel Foucault
Foucault, Michel (1926-1984)

