  • 學位論文


The Risk Management and Insurance Planning for Green Energy Industry-A Case Study of Offshore Wind Farm

指導教授 : 高棟梁


近年來,政府為了積極發展綠能產業,不斷鼓勵民間投資太陽能及風力發電的基礎建設,而其中又以離岸風力發電建設最具有挑戰性。然而由於投資人及融資機構對此新興行業的投資風險並不熟悉,因此如何引導民間能充份瞭解離岸風力發電的風險與保險規劃,並更具有信心參與綠能產業投資將是本文研究的主要目的。 本文參考歐洲國家目前離岸風力發電發展現況及研究,並藉由專訪國內離岸風力發電的產、官、學專家,歸納並彙總其意見,以發展我國離岸風力發電產業的標準作業程序。最後提出本文建議與結論,希望有助於我國在發展離岸風力發電產業上,建立一套基本的標準風險管理與保險規劃作業標準,以提供未來投入離岸風力發電的投資人與開發商參考。 本文研究提出幾點建議供參考: 一、參照其他先進國家補貼制度,建立浮動電價調整補貼制度、稅務上的投資獎勵政策、提供良好的法律與管理環境以吸引更多的投資人與開發商投入離岸風力發電產業。 二、政府成立跨部會機構,協調政府各單位在執行面的效率,並聯合風力發電投資人、融資機構、保險業、風力發電產業協會、協力廠商機構等嘗試建立“風力發電保險與風險管理資訊共用平臺”,進行資訊共用。 三、參考歐洲國家同類型計畫的成功經驗,將各階段的保險規劃規格化,讓融資機構能在一個適當的保障環境下,加強其對開發商或業主的融資意願,以降低投資成本與專案風險。 四、風電產業應盡速培育風力發電的技術人才,以期待能與世界技術接軌。


In the recent years, in order to be more aggressive in developing of Green Energy Industry, the Taiwan government has encouraged the private sector to invest infrastructure projects in related to Solar Power and Wind Power. Among these green energy projects, the Offshore Wind Power is the most challenging field. However, most of the investors and financing banks are not familiar with the risks of this new investment area. Under the circumstance, the main purpose of research in this thesis is to guide the private sector to fully understand the risk management methodology and insurance program planning of Offshore Wind Power industry and let all participators have the confidence to invest this specific area. The thesis will be incorporated with the current status of the Offshore Wind Power projects in European and then develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applied to local Offshore Wind Power industry. The thesis will consolidate the opinions from the expertise of the local investors, government authority and university professor in order to give the investors and developers of Offshore Wind Power a reference in the future. We expect that the conclusions and recommendations of this thesis could help Taiwan to set up a standard risk management and insurance program planning procedure in the Offshore Wind Power industry. The thesis explores the following major recommendation for reference: 1. To provide a proper subsidies system, rewarding policies and friendly legal environment to the investors. 2. To set up an interdependent committee to co-ordinate all related government authorities in order to support this specific infrastructure project sector and to provide an information sharing platform to all participators as well. 3. To standardize insurance program planning in all phases to minimize the investment cost and project risks for the purpose of providing a proper protection environment to financial institution. 4. Talent cultivate of technical specialists in Wind Power industry so as to connect with worldwide skill.


1.李至欣、廖慧宜、李翎竹,2012,談歐洲離岸風電躉購電價制度,能源報導2012年07月:頁12, 13 & 頁15。
2.周承志、 鄭孟寧,2012,英國離岸風電發展趨勢分析:頁 5。
3.林伯峰,2008,離岸風力發電與台灣,能源報導,三月號:頁 1。


