  • 學位論文


The Study of an Intelligent Power Saving Control System for the Electric Assisted Bicycles

指導教授 : 楊智旭


本論文針對電動輔助自行車以灰模糊理論設計一套智慧型節能控制器,使輔助動力輸出優化,有效利用電池電量,進而達成節能之目的。 研究中控制方式以灰色理論和模糊理論為基礎,藉由感測器將車速、踩踏轉速、踩踏扭力作為輸入參數,控制器首先以灰決策進行運算,建立騎乘模態(例如:上、下坡、平地),再結合模糊理論,經過計算後,以適當的電壓訊號,送至驅動器,輸出馬達動力。 模擬實驗方式,利用單車訓練平台來模擬道路測試,其結果作為控制參數之依據,最後進行實際道路實驗,以灰模糊控制與扭力控制作為比較,其結果灰模糊控制器續航力增加約33%左右,實驗結果驗證以灰模糊控制器確實達到節能效果。


The thesis is to design an intelligent power saving controller for the electric assisted bicycle by grey and fuzzy theory. The controller will set up the optimal output for the most effective battery power to achieve the energy saving purpose. There are three sensors in this system which are vehicle speed, pedaling speed and pedaling torque. These sensing signals are used for the grey design-making to find out the biking mode (up/ or downhill, flat road). Then, we combine fuzzy theory to calculate to the appropriate voltage for the motor driver in order to control the motor output. In the research, a cycling training platform is used to simulate road tests to find out the control parameters. The total cycling mileage is increased by 33% for the developed grey-fuzzy controller comparing with traditional torque controller in the actual road test. Thus, this intelligent power saving control system of the electric assisted bicycles is able to save electrical energy in the actual road test.


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