  • 學位論文


The Broadcasting industry in Mainland China after WTO

指導教授 : 趙春山


中國加入WTO世界貿易組織(入世)後,做為第三產業服務業的傳媒業,面臨逐步開放,國外企業、媒體集團來勢洶洶,中國勢必要做足準備,在入世前後調整整個傳媒產業體制,其中包括組建集團來對抗國外傳媒,以防境外媒體瓜分中國傳媒市場的危機。不過,傳媒在中國還是事業單位、企業管理,傳媒集團化更是一種政府行為,而不是經過自然的市場行為,因此,在產權不明的狀況下,往往會造成傳媒企業在經營上的隱憂。 入世後,中國順應全球經濟化潮流與世界接軌,但也小心翼翼維持黨的獨大、一統性。因此如何發展「經濟」、維持黨的「政治」正統性,孰輕孰重?無疑是兩方的拉鋸!本研究使用學者Vincent Mosco在90年代發表的《傳播政治經濟學》,針對傳播政治經濟學的理論框架,提出著商品化、空間化與結構化三個過程來切入,分析中國當局對整個宏觀傳媒事業與微觀中央電視台的政策,與中國傳媒和央視的對應過程。 比較入世前後,廣電產業確實產生變化,由於大批外資進入投注廣告資金,收視率、市佔率成為各家媒體的生存標的。因此,廣電產業的商品化、品牌化顯得格外重要;為了對抗境外媒體,中國廣電產業的跨媒體,甚至是跨國合作案不斷,中國一方面可以吸取國外傳媒的經營經驗,另一方面也借力使力壯大自己。 此外,中國廣電媒體因應商品化、空間化,改版、體制優化動作頻頻;中國傳媒面向市場仍處於轉型階段,即使政策有所調整,還是僅限於傳媒結構中的中低層,也就是編採與經營階段,以及中國當局行政命令,大於自然優劣淘汰的市場行為。


After China has joined the World Trade Organization(WTO), the tertiary service media industry gradually opens. Facing the threats from overseas enterprise and the media group, the Chinese must be more prepared. Preparation including adjusting the entire media industry system before and after it joins the WTO as well as setting up the associations to prevent the crisis of overseas media from carving up the Chinese media market. However, the media in China is still a nation enterprise with business management characteristics; the media group is merely a kind of government behavior, not a market behavior that passing through naturally. Therefore, under the ambiguous property right, it often becomes a worry of the media enterprise management. Since joined into WTO, China orientated with the economic globalization trend and connected with the world. China cautiously maintains its party’s sole unification. How to develop the economy and still maintain its ruling legitimacy ought to be the China’s primary issue. This research adopted Vincent Mosco’s publications in the 90's: " The political economy of communication: rethinking and renewal", give the view of the theoretical framework of the contention political economy, and also propose commodification, Spatialization, and Structuration. These are the three processes in analyzing how the Chinese authority deal with the entire macroscopic media enterprise and the policy of the microscopic China Center Television(CCTV), as well as the responses of Chinese media and CCTV . Compared the time period before and after China joined the WTO, the broadcasting industry has changed. Because of the increase of foreign investments in advertisement, the audience rating and market share became vital standards of each media. Therefore, the commodification branding of broadcasting industry is especially critical; In balancing with the foreign media, the cross media and transnational cooperation of Chinese broadcasting industry will continue to increase. China may absorb the management experience of foreign media and also take advantage from foreign media to strengthen themselves. In addition, the changing of program or channel of television and the optimizing system are more common because of the adaptation to commodification and spatialization; Chinese is still transforming its market media. Even though there is a change or adjustment, it is still limited in the middle and bottom of media structure—the copy editor and interviewer layer. And the administrative decree of China is more essential than the market that eliminates naturally.


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