  • 學位論文


A Case Study of University Students’ Needs Assessment for Learning Support System

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在探討一所綜合性大學之學生對學習支援系統之需求程度,除了瞭解個案大學學生對學習支援系統的功能與內涵之需求情況外,並探討不同背景變項的學生在學習支援系統需求之差異,最後根據研究發現提出具體建議,以供個案大學建置學習支援機制之參考。本研究採自編「大學學生學習支援系統需求調查問卷」作為研究工具,分層比例抽樣2000名大學學生作為研究對象,問卷回收1703份,有效問卷1681份,有效回收率為84%。 本研究結果顯示: 一、整體學生在六大功能層面的需求依序為:「研究資源的獲取」、「文書製作與組織能力訓練」、「學習策略與方法」、「語言技巧與方法」、「邏輯思考與研究工具訓練」、「學習的診斷與知識獲得」。 二、整體學生在各項學習支援內涵項目需求較高的前6個項目依序為:第二外語學習的技巧與方法、撰寫學術報告與論文寫作之訓練、批判及創意思考能力的訓練、研究獎學金之補助、口頭報告和表達的技巧與方法、考試準備與應試的策略與方法。 三、不同性別、學院、年級、入學身份、排名、學習措施使用情況、壓力解決態度以及學業困擾最常尋求協助的對象等不同因素,在學習支援的功能層面的需求程度均有顯著差異。 四、不同性別、學院、年級、入學身份、排名、學習措施使用情況、壓力解決態度以及學業困擾最常尋求協助的對象等不同因素,對學習支援的內涵項目之需求程度亦達顯著差異。 本研究提出以下之建議: 一、針對個案學校的實務建議 (一)針對大學生與研究生的學習支援,應加強開設第二外語學習的技巧與方法、撰寫學術報告與論文寫作之訓練、批判及創意思考能力訓練等支援。 (二)針對教師提供學習知能輔導培訓,強化教學助教、授課教師或生活導師學習診斷和輔導的知能,開設教師學習輔導知能工作坊、學習個案研討會,並建置相關學習資源平台,提供教師完整掌握學生學習狀況。 (三)針對男學生可加強「研究的實習機會之提供」、「建立良好的學習觀念與態度之輔導」、「研究工具運用之訓練」等相關支援;針對女學生則可加強,「口頭報告和表達的技巧與方法」、「選課、輔系、轉系、雙主修等議題之輔導」、「上台演說的技巧與方法」、「第二外語學習的技巧與方法」、「撰寫學術報告與論文寫作之訓練」等相關支援。 (四)針對商學院、技術學院學生可加強「語言技巧與方法」、「邏輯思考與研究工具訓練」層面的支援服務。 (五)針對大一、大二、大三學生可加強「學習的診斷與知識獲得」層面的需求服務,針對研究生則可加強「邏輯思考與研究工具訓練」、「研究資源的獲取」層面的支援服務。 (六)針對不同性別、學院、年級、入學身份、排名、學習措施、壓力解決態度及學業困擾最常尋求協助對象者,應加強各種客製化的學習支援措施。 二、針對未來研究的建議 (一)進行學習支援單位之滿意度調查。 (二)進行國際學生學習支援系統之需求調查。 (三)進行學習支援系統之教師期望調查。 (四)進行博士生學習支援系統之需求評估。 (五)進行影響學生利用學習支援系統需求之相關因素研究。 (六)進行學習支援系統建置之全面性考量。


The purpose of this study is to investigate university students’ needs for learning support services in a comprehensive university in order to suggest better design and development of the learning support system. The study is not only to understand university students’ needs in relation to the functions and contents of the learning support system, but also to analyze the differences among students in terms of demographic backgrounds. A questionnaire was send to 2000 students who were randomly selected by proportionate stratified method. There were 1703 returned with 1681 valid. The valid return rate is 84%. The results of this study were documented as follows: 1.The priorities of students’ needs in the functions of the learning system are in such orders: research resources, organizing ability, learning strategies and skills, foreign language learning skills, logic thinking and research tools utilization, learning diagnoses and knowledge acquiring. 2.The priorities of needs for the content of the learning system are in such orders: foreign language learning skills, academic writing training, critical and innovative thinking training, research grants support, oral presentation and expression skills, examination-taking skills. 3.There are significant differences in the needs for the functions of learning support services among different genders, colleges study, grades, enrollment status, academic ranking, usage of learning facilities, ways of pressure-resolution and help seeking. 4.There are significant differences in the needs for the items of learning support services among different genders, colleges study, grades, enrollment status, academic ranking, usage of learning facilities, ways of pressure-resolution and help seeking. The suggestions of the research were summarized as follows: To the case university, following measures should be taken: 1.To provide both undergraduate and graduate students with the most needed learning support services, such as foreign language learning skills, academic writing training, critical and innovative thinking training. 2.To provide faculty with the training of counseling students in learning, tutor training, diagnosing problems and counseling students, as well as special student case study. 3.To provide male students with practicum opportunity, counseling on the establishment of good learning attitude, training of use of research tools. As to the female students, it is necessary to provide them with the skills of oral presentation and expression, counseling on selecting courses, minors, transfer opportunities and double majors, speech skills, foreign language learning skills, as well as training in academic writing. 4.To provide business and technical college students with the supports in foreign language learning skills, logic thinking and the usage of research tools. 5.To provide freshman, second year and third year students with the supports in diagnoses of learning and knowledge acquisition. As to the graduate students, the support mechanisms should be put on the services of logic thinking and the usage of research tools, as well as research resources acquisition. 6.To provide customized learning support services for students with different genders, colleges study, grades, enrollment status, academic ranking, usage of learning facilities, ways of pressure-resolution and help seeking. For the future research, following topics are suggested: 1.A study on the satisfaction of learning support unit. 2.A needs assessment for the learning supports of international students. 3.A study on the needs of the learning support system from faculty perspectives. 4.A need assessment for the learning support system of doctoral students. 5.A study on the factors related to the student’s needs for learning supports. 6.A comprehensive design of learning support systems for university.


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