  • 學位論文


5,10-diphenyldibenzopentalene derivatives for dye-sensitized cells and perovskite cells applications

指導教授 : 陳志欣


我們成功合成出以5,10-diphenyldibenzopentalene (DPI) 為共振主體,共六個DPI衍生物,分別應用於染料敏化電池 (dye-sensitized cells, DSCs) 與鈣鈦礦電池 (perovskite cells, PCs)。 論文分為兩部分,第一部分是以DPI主體,連接推電子團之苯胺及拉電子團兼錨基之cyanoacrylic acid或carboxylic acid的染料分子,應用於DSCs,探討染料之光物理、電化學和理論計算,此外我們得知染料在TiO2上的吸附量會影響到電池的電壓與效率。 第二部分是以DPI主體,連接推電子團之diphenylamine或carbazole的電洞傳輸材料,應用於PCs,量測材料之物理化學性質與晶體結構,由於材料結構平面性佳,影響元件製作之材料旋轉塗佈後,表面不均勻的現象,導致電池元件最高效率只達Spiro-OMeTAD效率的24%。 關鍵字: 染料敏化電池;鈣鈦礦電池


5,10-Diphenyldibenzopentalene (DPI)-based small molecules were first used in the applications for organic dye-sensitized cells (DSCs) and perovskite cells (PCs). We synthesized the dyes using DPI as π-linker, phenyl or thiophene as conjugated spacer, arylamine as the donor, cyanoacrylic acid or carboxylic acid as both the acceptor and anchor for DSCs. The absorption spectra, electrochemical properties and theoretical calculations for the dyes were measured and characterized. It was found that the adsorption amount of dyes on TiO2 affected the open circuit voltage and the performance of the devices. In addition, we also synthesized using diphenylamine or carbazole as donor and they were applied to hole transporting material for PCs. We measured absorption spectrum, electrochemical properties, theoretical calculations, crystal structures and devices. On the spin-coating process, materials had aggregation effect and surface of materials appeared a little crack such that affected the cell performance. The best efficiency only reached 24% of the standard cell Spiro-OMeTAD.


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