  • 學位論文


Reserch on Mao Qiling’s “Zhongshi yi”

指導教授 : 蔣秋華


《周易》為中華文化上一部重要的經典,然而歷來研究流派卻龐雜繁多,毛奇齡毅然採集各家之論,以作《仲氏易》而自成一家解《易》系統。故本論文研究以奇齡《仲氏易》為主,《推易始末》、《春秋占筮書》為輔,藉以探討奇齡《仲氏易》之內容、論點與解《易》系統,以期界定其《易》學史上的地位。 本文凡六章,其內容分述如下:第一章「敘論」,說明本文研究動機、目標、方法與範圍,並評論前人之研究成果,以勾勒本文撰寫特色及內容。第二章「《仲氏易》概論」,分從《仲氏易》創作背景、《仲氏易》內容概要、《仲氏易》寫作特色三大題為主軸,詳論《仲氏易》一書之內容特色。第三章「《仲氏易》之治經方法探究」,旨在探討奇齡《仲氏易》中的釋經解《易》方法,包括以諸經解《易》、以史證《易》、以演易繫辭解《易》諸法。第四章「《仲氏易》推易說(上)―論推易之本質」,則延續三章「演易繫辭」之解經路線,旨在探討《仲氏易》之核心思想「推易說」,分以「不易卦」、「聚卦」、「半聚卦」、「子母易卦」、「分易卦」等內容,辨析「推易說」即為一「系統化卦變說」之本質。第五章「《仲氏易》推易說(下)―論占筮之法及其應用」,則為奇齡於「推易說」之理論應用。故本章以奇齡於各卦所舉筮法為例,探究奇齡推易說與筮法之關係。第六章「結論」,為總結本文研究之成果,並予以奇齡《仲氏易》評述,公允界定其於《易》學史上之地位。


毛奇齡 仲氏易 清初易學 解經法 卦變 筮法


‘Zhouyi’ is a very important scripture in Chinese culture. As time went by, there are many different explanations of ‘Zhouyi’ over the several thousand years. However, Mao Qiling created his own system, ‘Zhongshi yi’, to explain ‘Zhouyi’ based on all the other explanations. Therefore, this thesis define Zhongshi yi ‘s status in the Yi’s history by treating Zhongshi yi’s contents, viewpoint, and system to explain Yi through researching on ‘Zhongshi yi’ mainly and other books such as ‘Tueiyi Shihmo’ and ‘Chunqiu Jhanshih Shu’.There are six chapters in this thesis. The first chapter is ‘introduction’ introducing the motive, target, method, and scope of this thesis. Also, it reviews other’s research results in order to outline the content of this thesis. ‘Introducing to “Zhongshi yi”’ is the second chapter. This chapter describes the feature of ‘Zhongshi yi’ in detail by three ways: the background to create ‘Zhongshi yi’, the outline of Zhongshi yi’s content, and the characteristics of writing style in ‘Zhongshi yi’. Then, the third chapter is ‘delving into the Zhongshi yi’s way to explain classics’. It mainly discusses the way that Mao use in the ‘Zhongshi yi’ to explain classics, including ways explaining Yi by all other classics, proofing Yi by history, and explaining Yi by ‘yanyisicih’. Continuing the discussion of ‘yanyisicih’, the way to explain ‘Yi’, in the third chapter, the forth chapter is ‘the theory of deducing Yi in “Zhongshi yi”’ (part 1) - discussing the essence of deducing Yi ’ that delve the core tought of ‘Zhongshi yi’, the theory of deducing Yi. This chapter defines the theory of deducing Yi as the essence of a theory that is systematic rules of change between hexagrams by discussing the contents of ‘buyiqua’、 ‘jyuqua’、 ‘banjyuqua’、‘zihmuyiqua’、 ‘fenyiqua’. The application of Mao’s theory of deducing Yi is the fifth chapter, ‘the theory of deducing Yi in “Zhongshi yi”’ (part 2)-delving the divinatory methods and their application’. This chapter discussing the relationship between divinatory methods and the theory of deducing Yi from divinatory methods in every qua. The sixth chapter is ‘conclusion’ to conclude the result in the thesis. In addition, this chapter criticize Mao’s ‘Zhongshi yi’ and fairly give it the status in Yi’s history.





