  • 學位論文


Exploring Key Factors and Strategies of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): An empirical study of hi-tech industry

指導教授 : 孫嘉祈


隨著國際間企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)的浪潮之風起雲湧,愈來愈多企業也意識到,企業經營目的不能僅侷限於如何使股東獲利極大化,企業對於社會環境保護以及人才培養與發展,更有其社會責任。如何在保持企業競爭力與永續經營前提下,進一步的予社會有所貢獻,已成為當代企業經營的新目標。台灣的高科技產業一向為台灣的經濟成長重要指標之一,其中雖不乏已執行企業社會責任的例子,但仍有許多願意甚至急欲投入成為企業公民的一份子的企業,因為不知應從何處著手,或找不到適合的策略作為執行企業社會責任的手段,而仍裹足不前。 因此,本研究以高科技產業為例,以決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL) 為研究工具,探討執行企業社會責任的關鍵因素與策略。研究結果建議高科技產業,應由「環境」構面為切入點執行企業社會責任,並以「建立綠色供應鏈」、「保護股東權益」、「建立企業文化」作為重點,構思與規劃執行企業社會責任的策略。希望更多高科技企業可藉由參考本研究結果,投入企業社會責任的執行。


With the growing of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), more and more companies aware that the purpose of running business can’t be limited on how to maximize stakeholders’ profit only. An enterprise should has it’s social responsibility to protect environment and develop people’s talent. How to keep it’s own competitive power and running business sustainable while bring contributions to society at the same time has become a new target to a corporation. In Taiwan, hi-tech industry is always an important economics index, though some hi-tech companies has executed CSR, many of them are not. The reason is mainly due to they don’t know how to start to execute CSR or they don’t know what’s the proper strategy. This study took hi-tech industry as a sample and used Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) as the tool to analyze the key factors and strategy of CSR. The result confirms that business runner should get start from “Environment” and focus on “build up green supply chain,” “protect stakeholders rights and interests” and “build up enterprise culture” to come out the strategy of how to execute CSR.


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