  • 學位論文


Business Development in Private Banking:A Comparison of UBS Hong Kong and UBS Taiwan and the Trend of Wealth Management

指導教授 : 林炯垚


自1854,發源於瑞士的瑞士銀行開始第一家私人銀行業務後,展開一連串不斷購併其他銀行,正式開啟私人銀行業務榮景。瑞士銀行對全球銀行具焦財富管理業務影響甚巨,瑞士銀行作為私人銀行代表龍頭絕對無庸置疑,如同大眾對瑞士銀行的印象-隱密、安全、信任,而塑造出高資產客人要隱藏財富,直覺聯想瑞士銀行。但隨著2008年金融海嘯、2009年全球法規對於銀行趨於嚴謹下,事實瑞士銀行在發展業務中,當初代表銀行三把鑰匙品牌標誌,其榮耀光環是否依舊存在呢?透過論文的研究試圖解釋、分析此現象,探索財富管理業務未來趨勢。另外Bank 3.0時代來臨,私人銀行財富管理應該有何新策略、新思維。本論文提出以香港與台灣瑞士銀行業務發展為例,分析私人銀行的境內、外業務策略、政府法規、面臨優劣勢,並深度訪談經驗豐富私人銀行高階主管,了解財富管理經營策略,並就其中金融產品、網路平台、手續費制度、風險控管、政府法規、績效效應進行分析。 本研究有以下結論 私人銀行未來發展策略對高資產客戶所產生影響,以及所面臨法規風險下如何創造另一新局面。 銀行面對Bank 3.0來臨,財富管理業務未來發展重要性、預期所面臨壓力風險及因應策略。 關鍵詞:私人銀行、金融海嘯、財富管理


Abstract UBS AG, the first bank providing private banking services in Switzerland, has continuously acquired other banks since its establishment in 1854. UBS AG private banking, and nowadays, all big banks with a wealth management division can be attributed to UBS Switzerland. Undoubtedly, UBS AG represents confidentiality; safeness and trustworthiness, the high-net-worth client always prefer USB AG’s wealth management services. However, after the financial crisis in 2008 and the more and more straitening banks’ regulations since 2009, can UBS AG’s private banking still stand out? Through analysis of offshore business strategies based on UBS AG in Hong Kong and Taiwan, government’s regulations and interviewing senior private banking managers, this article will predict the future trend in the wealth management and provides strategies and new thoughts for the Bank 3.0 era. The article will also analyze financial products, online platform, bank fee system, risk control, government’s regulations and the consequence of performance based reward system. This article has two conclusions. How to cope with the impacts of the future development strategy on high net worth asset customers in view of the regulation risk? The strategies to cope with the pressure of risk due to the Bank 3.0 and the importance of the future development in wealth management Key words: private banking, financial crisis, wealth management


