  • 學位論文


The Study of Hesychasm and St. Nil Sorski’s Life and Religious Thought

指導教授 : 馬良文


聖尼歐.索爾斯基是俄羅斯靜默主義的傳承者,讓禁慾苦行的隱修制度重現在俄羅斯北方,使修道士的高道德標準在俄國北方展開。雖然在聖尼歐.索爾斯基之前已經流傳這樣的修道理念,但聖尼歐.索爾斯基個人對東正教的虔誠、嚴格遵守靜默主義的修道理念與修道方式,即使在當時受到打擊與迫害,他依然固守對東正教的理念;這樣的情操對於俄羅斯傳統東正教的宗教精神有很大的影響。 在15世紀末16世紀初的俄羅斯,聖尼歐.索爾斯基代表著新潮流思想,他的出世論點在當時被看作是不相信世界。對當時的統治者,認為他不相信國家、不服從政權,使他成為俄羅斯最早的自由主義的代表。聖尼歐.索爾斯基完完全全發揮了東正教自我救贖的精神,他嚴格遵循修道制度、不可違背的修道理念,在在都說明了對東正教的虔誠和自我犧牲的態度。他認為,唯有遵循「愈苦行、愈艱辛,才是愈快樂、愈真實的人生」的修行精神與態度,也就是俄國神秘苦行者的宗教哲學,才能找到純潔的內在光明,並得到救贖。 本論文旨在對於聖尼歐.索爾斯基的宗教思想與宗教活動做概括性研究,闡述其所處時代,俄羅斯的特殊宗教思想與宗教活動。對於西方心靈文化的價值,漸漸被道德淪喪所侵噬,俄羅斯神秘苦行者以內悟、自省提升心靈的方式,成為與西方不同的俄國傳統宗教的精神特色。


St. Nil Sorski(1433-1508) was a distinguished reformer of Russian Orthodox Christianity who renewed ascetic monasticism in northern Russia. He is especially known for promoting a mystical practice of Hesychasm which has reached maturity in Byzantium Empire in the previous centuries. Nil Sorski adhered to this tradition of monastic practice with exceptional vigor. His religious teaching affected greatly the traditional Christian Church of Russia. Nil Sorski advocated renouncing the world and communicating with the Kingdom of Heaven through mystical contemplation. Because of this conviction, he was thought by many later thinkers to be an advocate of escapism who did not value secular authority. He is often considered the first exponent of Russian liberalism. Yet Nil Sorski’s principles of personal salvation, his tough monastic reforms and strict discipline demonstrate his devotion to the Orthodoxy and willingness for self-sacrifice. His motto “the more severely you penance, the happier you are.” is also the religious philosophy of Russian mysticism. He thought people can discover the uncreated God’s light and to attain redemption through this approach. This thesis aims at explicating the unique religious thought and activities of Nil Sorski as well as their social background through the study of Nil Sorski’s writings and life. Compared with the fate of spiritual culture in the West, which has been declining gradually Russian ascetic tradition has shaped a unique and quite solid pattern of religious mentality which keeps on influencing contemporary Russian thought and culture.


2.Baynes N. H. & B.Moss H. ST L. BYZANTIUM-An Introduction to East Roman Civilization. London: Oxford University,1962.
22.Никольский Н.М. История русской церкви. Москва: Московский Рабочий , 1931.
24.Плигузов А.И. Памятники раннего нестяжательства первой трети XVI века. Москва: Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степении кандидата исторических наук , 1986.


