  • 學位論文


Simulation Modeling of Taiwan Railway Administration’s Rapid Transit Operations by Using Stochastic Petri Nets

指導教授 : 陶治中


早期國內唯一的軌道運輸系統—臺鐵,針對城際、區域或都會等運輸需求皆能提供相對的軌道運輸服務,但隨著高速鐵路、台北與高雄都會區大眾捷運系統之相繼通車營運,以及正在興建中的台中都會區大眾捷運系統與即將興建的淡海輕軌系統,臺鐵的服務市場已被定位成中短程為主的形象。對此,臺灣鐵路管理局即在交通部之期盼下提出『臺鐵捷運化』政策,進行服務市場之轉型再生,並整合其他大眾運輸系統,期能提供無縫的公共運輸服務。 本研究根據目前臺鐵捷運化計畫進程之變化結果,藉由隨機派翠網路為基礎之模擬模式,針對臺鐵捷運化後可行之列車發車間距、列車組成、運轉整理等情境分析結果,研提未來供臺鐵管理局參考之營運策略。 經由模擬分析結果顯示,臺鐵捷運化後之列車發車間距,在系統車輛數允許之情況下,以間距240秒最能發揮整體運輸效率。在列車組成部分,當慢車與快車之列車組成比例為1:1且為交錯組成時,較適合發車間距較長之列車運轉;當慢車與快車組成比例為 2:1 時,無論發車間距多寡,皆能發揮最佳之整體運輸效率;當慢車與快車組成比例達3:1時,則較適合發車間距較密集之列車運轉。 運轉整理調度策略部份,臺鐵捷運化後較舊有之系統能採用『特開列車』之調度策略。經模擬分析發現,採用特開列車策略對於因延誤發生而受影響之列車運行時間並無明顯改善,但卻能有效回復受影響之發車間距,減少延誤所產生之影響。 綜合歸納可知,臺鐵捷運化後不僅可保留原有臺鐵系統之運行優點,同時亦可增加大眾捷運系統之班次密集特色,故無論在列車組成、運行方式、運轉整理調度上均呈現靈活且多樣化之營運效果,此意謂臺鐵捷運化確實為臺鐵邁向重生轉型目標之必要手段。


Due to growing railway riderships of Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taipei Rapid Transit and Kaohsiung Rapid Transit services, the service segmentation of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) has been positioned as a middle and short trip distance-based railway system. To renew TRA’s competition roadmap, one of cost-effective strategies is to deploy the Rapid Transit Operations plan for Taiwan’s seamless public transportation policy. Based on the stochastic petri nets theory, a simulation model is developed to provide appropriate rapid transit operation alternatives for assumed scenarios considering various headways, train types and timetable delays. Key findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The total system efficiency will be optimal with the average headway 240 s if train cars are available. 2. Long or short headway operations are influenced by the proportional combinations between slow and express train types. It is found that the total system efficiency will be optimal when the proportional combination between slow and express train types is 2 : 1. 3. The strategy of increasing special train cars to reduce timetable delay is not significant to eliminate timetable propagation impacts, but to recover original headways effectively. It is concluded that TRA’s rapid transit operation strategies can help TRA succeed in exploring railway market shares in the future.


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