  • 學位論文


The Impact of Foreign Aid to the development of Sao Tome and Principe – The specific case of Taiwan.

指導教授 : 何思因


如同其他非洲地區國家,聖多美與普林西比也高度依賴來自國際間的外國援助。自1975年由葡萄牙獨立後聖多美與普林西比的國家發展並未迅速走向繁榮,自今仍多仰賴幾個友好國家的援助,而其中最為友善且提供助力的國家即是台灣。 本研究旨在分析該國於1990至2001年終整體發展情況與與我國建交後協助其實踐聯合國千年發展目標(MDG)的成果。聯合國千年發展目標為檢視國家整體發展的重要指標,同時分析多個面向、層次十分適合本研究的分析與檢視之用。 瘧疾乃是困惑聖多美與普林西比多年的重大疾病,在我國的外援協助下有效降低疾病死亡率與衛生環境成果顯著。此外我國也協助該國克服多年來面對的能源赤字等問題,足見兩國間交流、互助關係穩定、正常,然而這也方為是聖多美與普林西比必須考量的一部分-如何降低國家倚賴外援的比例與發展前景。


Sao Tome and Principe as many African countries is highly dependent on foreign aid. Since its independence from Portugal the country has not made many strives towards a prosperous development. Due to its dependence on aid the country has aligned it self with a few partners one of the most important being Taiwan. This research seeks to analyze the countries development from 1990 to 2011, which constitutes the period of time Taiwan and Sao Tome and Principe became diplomatic allies. This research will also demonstrate Taiwan's contribution to Sao Tome and Principe to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MGD). The MDGS are used here as tool to measure the country's developmental growth. Due to its multidisciplinary character and main focus on development it is therefore very suitable for this research. Taiwan foreign aid has impacted the health sector in Sao Tome and Principe more specifically with the fight against malaria that was a scourge for the country. Thanks to Taiwan this disease is under control and affects a smaller number of the population. Furthermore Taiwan also helped build a new electrical plant that has resolved the countries deficit with electrical power. The cooperation between these two countries has been positive however Sao Tome and Principe needs to invest further in its development.


VI. Bibliography
Acemoglu, Daron and James Robinson. The Origins of Power Prosperity and Poverty Why Nations Fail. Crown business 2012
Black, Richard and White Howard Targeting Development Critical perespectives on the millennium development goals Routlege May 2006
Fine Ben , Lapavitsas Costas, and Pincus Jonathan Development Plicy in the Twenty-First Century Beyond the post – Washington Consensus Routlege
Lancaster Carol, Foreign aid Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics The university of Chicago press 2007
