  • 學位論文


Army Tactical-level Intelligence Operations:The Case of Battalion Level

指導教授 : 黃介正


情報(intelligence)是軍隊及社會乃至於國家都重視的一項工具,情報作戰就是說明利用情報來執行作戰任務,亦為軍隊安全概念的一種,而眾所皆知情報亦為軍隊指揮官下達決心的依據,可是關係到部隊每一位官士兵之安危,而國家為以戰略的角度來指導軍隊戰術層面由上而下延伸至基層部隊,因此情報在部隊中是指揮中亦屬重要的一環。 若無情報的支援妥善運用於軍隊內對於戰場的指揮官下達作戰命令及下屬執行任務將會有重大的錯誤,因此情報是指揮官用來參照之最高準據。本研究係採文獻分析法裡用有關情報相關理論書籍與軍事準則書籍、研究論文及相關文獻。 首先檢視我國陸軍營級戰術階層情報作戰現況,以機械化步兵營之偵察排與營情報官等職務及情報作戰之執行,研究導入現在基層陸軍部隊內強化情戰思維達到情蒐準確優良且精準。 而我國軍目前軍事思維仍為承襲美軍因此仍是以美軍之準則做為參考輔以中國大陸關於情報研究人士所提出有關情報官培養等觀點對我軍基層情報職務人員提升層次及情報素養與愛國情操,文內將有關提到針對情報作戰與情報蒐集等軍事準則進行研究,汲取其經驗與認知,進而提昇我國軍基層營戰術階層級之幹部情戰品質及情報作業規劃等。


Information (Intelligence) is a tool that the army and the society and even the country attach importance to. Intelligence operations are one of the means to illustrate the use of intelligence to perform operational tasks and for the security of the army. As a strategic point of view, the army extends the military tactical level from top to bottom to the grass-roots units, so information is also an important part of the command. If no information support is used properly in the army, there will be significant mistakes in the command and execution of the commanders in the battlefield. The highest standard of reference. This research department used the literature analysis method to collect books and military standard books related to intelligence, and to study Wen and related literature. This paper first examines the current situation of intelligence operations in the tactical level of our army's battalion level, and studies the implementation of the duty level intelligence operations of the reconnaissance and information officers of the mechanized barracks. At present, the military thinking of the Chinese army is still inherited by the American army and is still based on the guidelines of the US Army as a reference, and the information officer training of the Chinese mainland has been put forward by the intelligence researchers to raise the level and intelligence quality and patriotism of the personnel of our army's basic intelligence service. To collect and study military norms and draw on their experience and cognition. We should enhance the quality and intelligence operation planning of our army's grass-roots battalions.


1.約米尼著.鈕先鍾譯,《戰爭藝術》,麥田出版社(城邦文化事業有限公司) 2014年3月二版一刷。
