  • 學位論文


The Study of Terrorism and Populism in the Russian Empire after the Great Reform (1861-1917)

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫


本論文旨在將俄羅斯帝國晚期民粹派之革命活動與現今所定義之恐怖主義來作相互的比較。所討論之議題將包含:壹、現今所認定之恐怖主義的定義以及其發展史;貳、俄羅斯帝國晚期,民粹派份子從1861年到1917年間之革命活動。進而瞭解革命活動失敗的原因、民粹派份子心中的掙扎以及其所帶來之影響。為探討這兩大議題,筆者需將論文分成五個章節: 第一章 「緒論」 此章節包含本文的研究動機以及目的、研究方法與限制以及整體之範圍與架構。 第二章 「何謂恐怖主義」 藉此了解恐怖主義在現今社會上之定義;歷史上之發展以及其恐怖份子本身的心理狀態之分析。 第三章 「俄羅斯帝國晚期民粹派革命理論與活動(1861—1881)」 此章會先從引發一切革命行動的開端開始,介紹民粹組織的成型及其綱領,還有他們的暗殺行動。 第四章 「俄羅斯帝國晚期民粹派革命黨及其活動(1905—1917)」 這個章節則是從新任沙皇亞歷山大三世繼位開始,論述民粹派在這個時期所面臨的阻力、及其更加狂妄的暗殺行動,以及直至最後面臨了改組與分裂,卻仍然無法力挽狂瀾的窮途末路。 第五章 「結論」 總結論文的研究,討論其民粹派失敗之原因、民粹分子內心所面臨之爭扎以及對於整個世界的影響;同時也藉此釐清一般大眾對於恐怖分子與伊斯蘭教聖戰觀念之誤解。


恐怖主義 民粹


The objective of my thesis is to compare the Russian populism with the terrorism. The list of these issues includes 1) the definition fo terrorism in nowadays and its history of development, and 2) the revolutionary movement of the populists in the late Russian Empire during 1861-1917. So that we could understand and realize the failure of their revolutionary movement, the conflict inside their mind, and the influence to the world. While pursuing these two question, I shall divide this thesis into five chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction It’s consists of: motivation and objectives of the study, the methods and limitation of the study, and the scope and structure of the study. Chapter 2 What is “Terrorism” Knowing the definition of the terrorism in nowadays, the developement of terrorism in the history of human, and the mentality, moral integrity of terrorists. Chapter 3 The Rovlutionary Theory and Movement of Populists in Russian Empire durning1861 to 1881 In this chapter, we will first know the reason which lead to this revolutionary movement, then the organization and its creeds, and the will be their assassinations. Chapter 4 The Populism Party and their Movement in Russian Empire during 1905 to 1917 This Chapter shows that after Alexander III steps in, the problems that populists have to deal with, no matter the party itself or from the outside society. Finally those problems lead the whole party to the deadend. Chapter 5 Conclusion It’s generalizes the studies of this thesis. This analysis will show: the reasons of failure on their revolutionary movement, the conflict that in some of the populists’s mind, and the influence to the whole world. Meanwhile, it also shows the misunderstanding that we have between the Islam society and the terrorism itself, especially the concept of the Islamic “Jihad”.


Terrorism Populism Narodniki


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