  • 學位論文


The Power of Believing You Can -The Positive Psychology of Creativity of IS Personnel

指導教授 : 游佳萍


在面臨以一日千里速度在成長的資訊科技背景下,資訊相關產業面臨了「創新」的考驗。而當產業推動創新時,所需仰賴的即為企業員工,也就是資訊人員的「創造力」。因此,為了有助於創新科技的發展,資訊人員的創造力因素也就成為了重要的議題。 本研究的理論觀點有別於以往心理學所採取的約束性、組織策略性面向,而是透過正向心理學中之擴展與建立理論的概念,來探討資訊人員之產品研發創作行為。研究目的是從創作動機的角度,觀察資訊人員的心理能力信念與情緒經驗,即「正向心理資本」與「主觀幸福感」對於其創造力的影響。同時,加入了資訊領域工作能力的認同,藉以觀察資訊人員對於創作研發工作之「角色認同」與創造力的關係。研究結果證實,有較高正向動機的資訊人員,將會有較好的研發創作行為或表現。此外,若能夠提升資訊人員在資訊研發工作領域之角色認同,亦能夠有助於資訊研發人員創造力行為或表現。


With the rapid growth of information technology development, the innovation of IT enterprises are facing an unbelievable challenge. While an organization ready to propel innovation, it depends on the creativity of the intelligent human resources. With a view to progress the innovative information technology development, the creativity of IT employees become a critical success factor. This research theory is based on the framework of Positive Psychology and Broaden and Build Theory, to observe the product development of IT human resource. The objective of our research is under the premise of creative motivation, which is the observation of the IT employees Capability Belief and Emotion Experience. That is, the influence of “Positive Psychological Capital” and” Subjective Well-being” to the creativity. Meanwhile, by adding the self-recognition to IT human resources, we will be able to investigate the relationship among role identity and creativity. The research outcome shows that the more positive IT employees are holding, the better product development will be conducted. If the IT employees are able to enforce the role identity during product development phase, it will be able to improve their creative performance.


1. 台灣經濟研究院〈2009產業技術白皮書〉,網址:http://publication.tier.org.tw/tierthebook.asp?doc_id=3200910156&source=tierpt.,上網日期:2010年2月17日。
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