  • 學位論文


The evolutionary process and developing predicament of the Oriental Beauty Tea

指導教授 : 林志鴻 博士 賴錦璋 博士


十九世紀中葉,台茶在世界舞台,獲得「東方美人」稱號,受到海內外品茗人士歡迎。本文探討台灣地區東方美人茶自前清、日治及民國一百多年的演進與變遷。製作東方美人藏著一個秘密,其實它就是蟲咬茶,這蟲就是茶小綠葉蟬。飲茶文化成為國人生活寫照,東方美人茶成為最高茶價競賽茶,其做工繁複,產量稀少,需在特殊環境生長,造就東方美人三奇:生長奇特、外觀奇特、風味奇妙。 台灣北部為東方美人茶的故鄉,近代工業發達農業人口往都市移動,農村勞力日漸凋零,農地大量開發茶園耕地急速減少,為減少病蟲害使產品賣相佳,以科學用藥讓農產品增產。在環境荷爾蒙農藥環伺下,無毒環境下才能生長的茶小綠葉蟬成為可遇不可求,因產製東方美人茶成本較高,量少價昂,供不應求,成為人們摻雜造假的對象。 本研究探討東方美人面臨的困境為:環境困境、文化困境及競爭困境。台灣地小人稠,工業發達,飲茶文化盛行,政策因工業制度化,制定東方美人茶的「製造規範」及「產銷履歷」,嚴定國內外茶葉區隔,統合全台美人特色茶,以東方美人茶文化創意行銷,以增品牌效益及國際能見度。


In mid 19th century, Taiwanese tea stood on the world stage and won the title of "Oriental Beauty". The tea is welcomed by domestic and abroad tasting-tea people. This dissertation presents a hundred years of evolution and change from the early Qing dynasty, Japanese occupation to Republic of China. There is a secret hiding in the process of making Oriental Beauty Tea. Actually, this is an insect-biting tea, and the insect is called "tea leafhopper". Chinese tea culture has become portrayal of life. Oriental Beauty Tea has become the highest price among the tea competition. The process of Oriental Beauty Tea is complicated due to the production is extremely rare and particular growth environment. It leads to three specifics of Oriental Beauty: the uncommon environment of growth, strange appearance, and wonderful taste. The hometown of Oriental Beauty Tea is in the northern of Taiwan. In the modern industrial-based development, the large number of rural population move to the city, and it makes the population of farmers gradually diminish. Numerous fields are developed in Taiwan, making the rapid reduction of arable land to make tea. To reduce pests and diseases which results in selling badly, people use scientific medicine to raise agricultural output. In the surroundings of environmental hormones pesticides, it is almost impossible for tea leafhopper to live in a toxic environment. Thus, the tea becomes the object that people dope fake things in it because the cost of making Oriental Beauty Tea is relatively high. In addition, the less quantity results in expensive price. The supply is unable to meet the demand. This study explores dilemmas that Oriental beauty is faced: the environmental plight, cultural plight, and competitive plight. Taiwan has dense population, narrow territory, developed industry and prevailing tea culture. Due to institutionalization government industrial policy should set "Manufacturing Practices" and "Traceability" of Oriental Beauty Tea. They should formulate the division of tea products seriously between domestics and foreign imports and integrate the specialty teas of Oriental Beauty all over Taiwan. In conclusion, to increase the international visibility and brand benefits, people should sell the tea as Oriental Beauty Tea.


莊衍松(2002),喝茶養生台灣茶葉10 後將在國際消失,新新聞周刊2002年7月,台北:新新聞文化事業股份有限公司
