  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Among Member Perceived Service Quality, Perceived Value and Service Satisfaction----The Enterprise Labor Union of C Airlines as Example

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


企業工會是屬於基層工會組織類型,是2010年工會法修訂後,由原本的產業工會、職業工會增列出來的。工會組織,基本上的功能與目的旨在促進勞資和諧,改善勞工生活與勞動條件,創造勞資雙贏的局面。 鑑於C航為航空產業,屬性較為特殊,且其所成立的工會歷史亦相當悠久,本研究特以C航空公司企業工會為例,探討其會員對工會服務品質的知覺感受、知覺價值以及服務滿意度上之關聯性;以發送內部電子郵件給企業工會會員,請會員上網填寫問卷,由雲端網路來收集會員所傳回的問卷資料,共收集有效問卷388份。然後透過SPSS統計分析軟體做檢定各變數量表之信度,最後再以迴歸分析探討各變數構面間互動影響的檢定。 本研究結果發現: 1. 會員知覺服務品質對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向影響。 2. 會員知覺服務品質之有形性對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向影響。 3. 會員知覺服務品質之可靠性對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向影響。 4. 會員知覺服務品質之反應性對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向影響。 5. 會員知覺服務品質之保證性對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向影響。 6. 會員知覺服務品質之同理心對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向影響。 7. 會員知覺服務品質與會員知覺價值之間呈現顯著正向影響。 8. 會員知覺價值對服務滿意度呈現顯著正向的影響 。 9. 會員知覺價值對會員知覺服務品質與服務滿意度間有中介影響。


Enterprise Labor union is a kind type of grass-roots union organizations, and added out from industrial unions and vocational uions after the 2010 Amendment Act. Labor unions, basically is aimed at promoting harmonious labor relations, improving living and working conditions of workers, and creating a win-win situation between employers and employees. In view of C airlines is belong to an aviation industry and its property is very unique, its established union also has a long history, this study especially uses C airlines as an example to investigate the relationships among union member’s perception of service quality, perceived value and service satisfaction. This study uses questionnaire via cloud network to collect data, over 1,000 members had been invited by email to fill it out and send back, 388 copies being collected eventually and the returned questionnaires are all valid. Then, we verify the reliability of each scale dimension, and finally explore the interaction test among the various dimensions of variables via regression analysis. The results of this study found that: 1.Member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 2.The tangibles of member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 3.The reliability of member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 4.The reactivity of member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 5.The assurance of member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 6.The empathy of member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 7.Member’s perceived service quality positive influence significantly perceived value. 8.Member’s perceived value positive influence significantly service satisfaction. 9.Member’s perceived value has intermediary effect between member’s perceived service quality and service satisfaction.


吳全成、馬翠華著,勞資關係, 一品文化出版社,2013.
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