  • 學位論文


The Development Trend of PLA’s Maritime Power for Safeguarding Oil Transportation Routes at Sea.

指導教授 : 趙春山


工業革命後,石油在地緣政治的地位中更顯重要與突出,其原因在於石油與經濟成長、社會穩定、軍事事務改革,甚至與國家安全的關係變得更密不可分。因此,石油的獲得與油路安全的維護,已然成為制定國家安全戰略和國家利益保障的重要考量。 自古以來,海洋運輸已成為戰略物資與大宗物資運輸的最經濟實惠的方式。而維繫中國經濟永續發展的命脈,在於能源的取得和輸送,其中佔比例最重的就是海上石油運輸。易言之,海上油路安全維護任務,及其配套對應的軍力發展,已然成為中國人民解放軍的戰訓本務之一;而其重中之重則在於海軍軍力與兵力投射及航天控制等整體戰系的整合。 中國人民解放軍的整體發展,近年來隨著經濟成長與「中國威脅論」的國際輿論影響,已由「量」的優勢逐漸過渡和轉變為「質」的進化。雖然中國講求的「人民戰爭」的戰略本質並未隨之修正,然而在發展「具有中國特色的社會主義」道路上取得經濟實力後,繼而提高保衛國家安全與發展利益的能力,並增取國際地位的下一步,即是壯大國防和軍事實力。中國人民解放軍起碼要保證「打贏高技術條件下的有限戰爭」,並逐漸進化至遠洋海軍、航天控制等多維作戰系統整合的目標,以維護中國六百浬以上的海域安全,進而走向全球即時打擊的遠距作戰能力。


After the industrial revolution, the oil plays a more important and prominent rae in the aspect of geopolitics. It is because the relationships between the oil and economic growth, social stability reform of military affairs, and even the national security are in separate. Therefore, the acquisition of oil and oil line security has become an important consideration for the maintenance national security strategy and protection of national benefits. Since ancient times, maritime transport has become a most affordable way for strategic material and substantial goods carriage. To maintain the sustainable development of china’s economic lifeline is the acquisition and transmission of energy and maritime oil transport which account for the highest proportion. That is to say, marine oil line security maintenance and the corresponding development of military has become one of the basic combat training of PLA; and the most important part is the overall combat integration of the military power projection and space superiority. The overall development of the PLA in recent years with economic growth and the international public opinion of “china treat theory” influence have gradually transited from the advantages of “quantity to the evolution of “quality”. Although the strategy of China while emphasis on the “people’s war” has not been modified with the transition to gain the economic strength thus improving the abilities of national security, expanding benefits and striving for international status, the next stop is to reinforce the national defense and military strength in developing the “socialism with Chinese characteristics”. The PLA has to guarantee “the win a limited war under high tech conditions”, and gradually evolve from pelagic navy, aerospace control and multi-dimensional integration system, in order to safe guard China’s oceanic safety which farther than 600 miles, and to achieve the global real-time and long-range strike power.


Michael T. Klare,童新耕、之也譯,資源戰爭全球衝突新場景,上海:譯文出版社,2001年。
