  • 學位論文


US-China Strategic Economic Dialogues

指導教授 : 林中斌


北京與華府之間的關係一直是眾所注目的焦點。在國際政治中,北京身為一個新興的亞太區域強權,對於和平安全與穩定議題上有一定的影響力,使得雙邊關係特別引人注意。在華府的政策下,不斷擴張與加深與北京間的經濟、政治、軍事的往來。尤其是經濟議題上,更是雙邊互動最頻繁的一環。 進入後冷戰的中美關係中,美國與中國的經濟互動逐年擴大和頻繁,但也不時的發生政治衝突事件。在政治不穩定的情況下,兩國的經濟互賴利益就形成彼此的自制因素。經濟互賴雖然有助於和平,但是在其他政治變項不穩定的情況下,也會影響到互賴和平的效果。 中美戰略經濟對話(U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue)是為加強兩國在經濟領域的對話與合作而形成的一種機制。因經貿關係一直是雙邊關係中最穩定的部份。隨著雙邊經貿關係往來的不斷擴大。雙邊社會的跨國利益不斷增加。透過戰略經濟對話就是北京與華府的最新做法。 本文主要探討北京加入世界貿易組織到第五次美中戰略經濟對話至今。美中關係的重要變化和主要問題。探討的不只是雙邊的經貿關係,而是透過經貿展開對話後所建立的全方位關係。 對話過程背後充滿連串助力以及阻力都影響對話能否順利運行。研究對話過程與過後所引發的效應也是對未來雙邊關係做出評估的重要依據。在理解華府與北京在對話過程中的因果關係後,更能有系統的檢驗對未來的國際格局的轉變。


中美關係 經濟 戰略


The Sino-US relation is always the critical part among the international relations during the post-cold war era. As a rising power, China is influential to the regional issue about peace and stability. Therefore, according to its own plan, the US has enlarged and deepened the interactions with Beijing in several aspects such as economy, politics and military. Economic aspect, above all, is the most important. During the post-cold war era, economic interactions between China and the US have enlarged gradually year by year. However, political conflicts have occurred from time to time. With the instability of political environment, economic interdependence has become a restrictive factor to both sides. Although economic interdependence contributes to a peaceful relation, it might also discount peaceful achievements if other political factors remain unstable. Under this circumstance, the US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) has become a mechanism in order to strengthen mutual communication and cooperation in economic aspect. Economic aspect is the most stable part in both sides’relation and lager economic interactions also bring more mutual trans-national interests to both societies. The arrangement of SED therefore becomes the latest way of engagement between Washington and Beijing. In this thesis, this author focuses on the important variations and main issues among the US-China relation from the very beginning of China’s participation into the World Trade Organization to the fifth SED nowadays. This thesis reveals not only mutual economic relation but also comprehensive relation which is established through the SED. Also in this thesis, the author discusses both positive and negative factors among the progress of the SED. All these factors and the effects that have been triggered during the process are vital and fundamental parts for the further evaluation to the future US-China relation. After realizing the cause and effect of the SED, it will bring us a more systematic way to examine the transform of power in the international politics.


US-China relation economy




陳姿琍(2011)。美中戰略與經濟對話 - 給台灣的啟示〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00198

