  • 學位論文


The Diplomatic controversy over sovereignty of Falkland Islands(las islas Malvinas)

指導教授 : 王秀琦


2012年2月英國威廉王子前往英國海外領土馬爾維納斯小島執行勤務,相隔數月,阿根廷曲棍球的代表隊隊長費南多也到這此島拍攝奧運的宣傳短片。此年正為英、阿兩國發生馬爾維納斯戰爭三十週年的紀念日。 英國自1833年以便對馬爾維納斯進行實質上的統治,島上對於英國的認同度也極高,根據以上原因,英國認為馬爾維納斯群島是屬於英國的。 阿根廷在歷經獨立戰爭後,終於從殖民母國西班牙的手中獲得自由,但卻也移留下許多問題,馬爾維納斯群島就是其中一個問題並且影響到阿根廷的外交政策。 1982年,馬爾維納斯戰爭結束後,使得原本經濟拮据的政府,又因戰爭的原因而遭到經濟封鎖後,為了改善經濟,阿根廷梅南總統決定暫時擱置主權問題採取「外圍現實主義。」 採取外圍現實主義的阿根廷在2000年爆發經濟危機,加上拉美左派的興起,使得新上任的基什內爾總統採取了強硬的外交手段。基什內爾總統下令禁止包機前往該島,並且表示對於航空等問題不再進行協商,除非有關於馬爾維納斯群島的主權談判有任何的進展。 費南德茲總統也延續其丈夫的任內的方針並且更積極的在各式國際場合要求英國就馬爾維納斯群島的主群問題進行談判。 一個殖民時期遺留下主權問題,卻深深的影響了阿根廷的外交政策。


Prince William left for the Falkland Islands to perform the military mission in February, 2012, A few months later, the captain of Agentina representitve football team, Fernando, took an advertisement film in Falkland Islands for Olympics. Because 2012 was the Thirtieth anniversary of the war of Malvinas. From 1833, UK has governed Falkland Islands . The residents of this island also are highly identified with he United Kingdom. According to those reasons, UK thought Falkland Islands belongs to them. After the War of Independence, Argentina has gained liberation from Spain. However, there were many problems, one of them is Falkland Islands, which affectd the foreign policy of Argentina. In 1982, after the war of Falkland Islands, the government which was in serious circumstances again suffered from the economic blockade by European countries because of the war. In order to Improve the situation, the president of Argentina Menem,decided to adopt the peripheral realism, but avoid to deal with the sovereignty. In 2000, bursted out the onset of the economic crisis. In addition to the rise of Left Wing, the new president, Kirchner, adopted the stiff means of diplomacy. He had forbidden all the flights flying toward Falkland Islands and insisted on not having any further negotiation on flight problems unless the sovereignty negotiation moves forward. Fernandez, following the principle of her husband, took active actions in all kinds of International Conference to ask UK to negotiate the sovereignty problem with them. The problem of the sovereignty left by colonizing period has deeply affected the foreign policy of Argentina.


高晨峰,《委內瑞拉查維茲政權能源政策之研究- 由分析層次探討》,(臺北:國立政治大學外交研究所碩士論文,2009年)
Vladimir Hernandez, “ Argentina's oil and gas seizure poses new dilemma”, BBC Mundo, 8 May 2012, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17922132


