  • 學位論文


The Exploration of Brand Extension and Product Line Extension on Retail Trade – Regard Carrefour as the Research Object

指導教授 : 廖述賢


隨著國內通路市場趨於飽和,各業者間的競爭早已白熱化,不適者終會被市場淘汰。相較於整體零售業,或是綜合商品零售業的其它業態業者,零售式量販業近年來的營運表現相對成長遲緩,因此它們在經營上自然有相當多值得改進的地方;本研究主要探討的問題,是如何強化業者的行銷能力。 本研究以台灣地區的量販業龍頭「家樂福」為研究對象,自商店自有品牌的品牌延伸與產品線延伸、組合產品和資料庫行銷三方面著手,透過資料採礦的關聯法則與集群分析,尋求較適合推出的自有品牌產品、較佳的產品佈置與促銷方式,以及差異化型錄等資料庫行銷方式,試圖讓業者過去以產品為焦點的行銷方式,轉變成以顧客為焦點,方能符合現今以消費者為導向的市場競爭模式。除上述內容外,本研究並對多項名詞提出自己的看法,另外亦有檢視集群分析結果是否會與關聯法則相矛盾;最後根據研究內容與結果,提出管理意涵和對後續研究的建議,以期能使業者的競爭力有所提升,後續研究者的研究也能有更大貢獻。


Due to the saturation of domestic channels, the competition between companies is becoming increasingly heated, and businesses that aren’t fit for the market are quickly eliminated. Compared with whole retail trade or retail sale of general merchandise, the performance of retail outlet is considerably relative worse and insignificant in the past few years; thus, there are many elements worth improving when it comes to management. How to strengthen dealer’s marketing ability is the topic of this research to discuss. I conducted my study using Taiwanese Carrefour as the as the research object, beginning with analysis of the brand extension and product line extension of private brand, as well as building and database marketing. Through the association rule and cluster analysis of data mining, trying to find the private brand products which are relatively suitable to put out, better suited packaging and promote concepts, plus differentiated catalog with database marketing, allowing companies to turn their focus to their customers – instead of their products – making them more suitable for the market of today. Additionally to what was previously mentioned, this article also defined numerous terminologies and examine whether the result of cluster analysis conflicts with association rule or not. Finally, providing manage meaning and advice to future researchers on the basis of contents and results of this research, hoping which can help Carrefour improve their competition capability and contribute of the follow-up researchers.


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