  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Trendy Drama Fans’ Lifestyle on Trendy Drama App’s Experience:A Case of the SETTV and Dreamland Trendy Drama in 2011 to 2013

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


以運用App行銷的偶像劇為研究文本,從2011年夢田文創公司職掌文創偶像劇《醉後決定愛上你》、《真心請按兩次鈴》、《粉愛粉愛你》和三立華人電視劇系列中的第一部華劇《真愛找麻煩》,以及《小資女孩向前衝》。這五部偶像劇可說是開啟利用App來和觀眾互動的先驅,且已經成為一種台灣偶像劇在行銷上的新趨勢。 本研究藉由偶像劇迷群本身不同的生活型態基礎,透過問卷調查了解每位閱聽人的生活型態分類與使用偶像劇App時產生五大構面的體驗形式之間的關聯性。根據生活型態的AIO構面,了解不同型態的偶像劇迷產生不同的使用動機,而有不同的體驗感受。 從問卷調查的結果導論出不同生活型態的偶像劇迷群在體驗偶像劇APP後,最後分為三個集群且各有重視的體驗形式如下: 1.「新科技偶像劇迷」偏好的體驗形式以行動體驗和關聯體驗為主,對於功能上技術上的注重是最為重要的,在於偶像劇App中有的功能如:社群平台的連結或是小工具小遊戲的設計,和介面的易用性都頗為重視。 2.「重度偶像劇迷」全面性的喜歡與偶像劇相關的事物,但較偏好感官體驗和關聯體驗的部分,並且會身體力行的體驗任何與偶像劇相關的事情。也喜歡分享、討論偶像劇的資訊,認識更多喜歡偶像劇的同好維持交友圈的聯繫;也對於偶像劇APP中的內容會特別注意。 3.「一般偶像劇迷」對於偶像劇App的體驗影響下,偏好感官體驗和關聯體驗的部分,發現了對於新科技媒體產物的重視則以視覺上感官上的刺激效果,是否能立刻吸引他們的目光,重視的是對於字體美感的排列也會影響他們在使用偶像劇APP時的感受。是一組對於偶像劇App較不在意內容面的一群。 每一個集群都有對偶像劇App特別重視的地方,在偶像劇以新媒體方式行銷上,發現在不同的生活型態的閱聽人,有以視覺感官為主,也有會偏好偶像劇APP中的行動社群平台的連結功能,也有特別重視偶像劇App中新奇的小工具小遊戲的設計。了解到各集群對偶像劇App新媒體行銷方式的接納度以及其所偏好的體驗形式。


生活型態 體驗 偶像劇App


The trendy drama to use App Marketing as a precondition .The creative trendy drama are called “Love You�While We Were Drunk” and“True Love Doesn't Give Up”and “I Love You So Much” by Dreamland Productions From 2011 , the other one “Inborn Pair” is the first Taiwan drama made from SETTV Taiwan Drama Center,and finally drama“Office Girls”has the high audio rating. By the trendy drama fans group itself lifestyle based on the experience of the five dimensions form developed for each audience use the idol drama exclusive App in this study. Data were collected in a questionnaire survey, according to AIO dimensions of the lifestyle, understand the different types of audience interest, different motivations , and different experience feelings. Results from the survey introduction of different lifestyles idol fan base in the experience idol App , and finally divided into three clusters have valued experience in the form below: 1. " New Technology idol drama fans ":Experience preferred form of ACT and RELATE experience-based, focusing on the technical function is the most important, It is the idol App in some functions such as: socieal platform link or game design, and ease of interface are quite seriously. 2. " Severe idol fans ":Like with comprehensive trendy drama related things, but prefer to experience SENSE and RELATE parts, and will personally experience any trendy drama l related things. Also like to share, discuss trendy drama information, learn more drama enthusiasts like to maintain contact friends circle; also will pay particular attention to the contents of trendy drama App. 3. " General idol drama fans ":For experience the impact of trendy drama App, part of the SENSE experience and preferences RELATE experience, find new technology for media products places emphasis on visual sensory stimuli, and whether they can attract immediate attention, attention is for the font aesthetic arrangement will affect how they feel when using the trendy drama App. Is a set of do not care for drama over the content of surface App group. Each cluster has a special emphasis place on trendy drama App , on the trendy drama in the way of new media marketing, found in different lifestyle audience, have dominated the visual senses, but also prefer the trendy drama App Mobile Social platform connectivity, but also pay special attention to the new trendy drama App gadgets and game design. Learned that each cluster forms of trendy drama App experience new media marketing methods and the degree of acceptance of their preferences.


Lifestyle Experience Trendy Drama App


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