  • 學位論文


A Study on Insurance Function of Corporate Social Responsibility-Experimental Approach

指導教授 : 張元
共同指導教授 : 李命志(Ming-Chih Lee)


以往關於社會責任與績效關聯性的的研究鮮少討論公司承擔社會責任「何時」對公司績效產生價值。Peloza (2006)提到企業的社會責任行為可以作為公司在經濟不景氣或負面突發事件時的保險,也就是透過日常善行所累積的好形象與好聲譽,當面對經濟不景氣或公司自身產品與營運危機時,相對於平時為從事社會責任的公司而言,消費者或投資人有可能會給予相對較少的負面評價,使得企業的社會責任行為就像是在為其財務績效購買保險一樣,這解釋了為什麼公司的社會行為沒有辦法帶來正面的帳面上財務績效時,許多公司仍然會積極從事該行為。 本論文利用實驗法,設計一個兩因子之受試者間之實驗設計,依公司從事社會責任的三種狀態-即積極從事社會責任、社會責任行為中立、違反社會責任以及公司有無遭遇負面事件-遭遇負面事件、未遭遇負面事件之一般營運狀況,設計六種公司營運狀態類型腳本,並要求受試者在特定腳本所述之模擬情境中回答有關投資該公司股票之意願。本論文的統計分析結果是,投資人對於從事社會責任的公司將有較高的持股意願;投資人對於營運狀況出現負面事件的公司,將出現較低的持股意願;給定公司負面事件發生時,相較於未從事或違反社會責任的公司而言,投資人對於積極從事社會的公司會有相較高的持股意願。


Past performance on social responsibility and correlation studies rarely discuss corporate social responsibility 'when' value on corporate performance. Peloza (2006) mentioned behavior of corporate social responsibility as a company in a recession or adverse emergencies insurance, which is accumulated through daily good deeds good image and good reputation, when faced with the economic downturn, or the company itself products and operating crisis, as opposed to the usual engaged in socially responsible companies, consumers or investors may be given relatively few negative comments, making the behavior of corporate social responsibility is like insurance for its financial performance , this explains why the company is no way to bring positive social behavior carrying on financial performance, many companies are still actively engaged in the behavior. In this thesis, experimental method, the design of a two-factor between subjects experimental design, the company engaged in social responsibility by three states - that is actively engaged in social responsibility, social responsibility behavior neutrality, social responsibility, and whether the company violated encounter negative events-encounter adverse events, adverse events did not encounter the general working conditions, designed six kinds of companies operating status type script and asked the subjects mentioned in a particular simulation scenario scripts to answer questions about the willingness to invest in the company's stock. Statistical analysis of the results of this thesis is that investors are engaged in socially responsible companies will have higher holdings wishes; investors trading position of negative events for companies, there will be less willingness weak holdings; given company Negative event occurs, compared to not engage in or breach of socially responsible company, the investor for the company will be actively engaged in community with higher holdings will.


沈中華 、張元(2008),企業的社會責任行為可以改善財務績效嗎?-以英國FTSE社會責任指數為例,經濟論文,第36卷第3期,頁339-385。
