  • 學位論文


The study of U.S. Joint Operation Access Concept(JOAC):Take U.S. - Japan alliance as an example

指導教授 : 曾復生


美國總統歐巴馬於2009年上任後,美國國防部提出四年期國防總檢討(QDR),以重新檢討美國的軍事戰略與國防計畫,本期程重點提及了調整和形塑軍力、建立盟國的安全能力,強調重返亞洲並發展未來遠程打擊能力及加強海外軍力部署,目的是針對影響美國利益的相對國家,以及在反介入的環境中威攝和擊敗敵人。因應美國近年面臨財政緊縮的情形,在未來安全環境的挑戰中,美國將目標朝向亞太區域的平衡,並藉由尋求新的友盟國家以分攤花費,以創新、低成本及低後勤需求方式達成安全之目標,並與友盟國家經由強化國際行為規範及維持協同操作性的軍事能力。 本論文旨在探究美、日安保同盟在「聯合介入作戰構想」中之角色與功能,於美、日簽定「美、日安保條約」簽訂並於日本部署美軍軍力開始,經由美國亞太再平衡戰略之戰略調整並藉由「聯合介入作戰構想」以對抗反介入/區域拒止作戰,透過美軍於日本基地之軍事部署調整、聯合軍演等事證關鍵因素,來論證美、日戰略重心之變化,並在此理論與實務之相互對照、比較,從而研判未來的發展趨勢,分析美、日安保同盟如何藉由「聯合介入作戰構想」來抗衡反介入/區域拒止作戰,在此基礎上討論美、日安保同盟及合作之項目與重點,以評估於中國反介入及區域拒止條件下,對亞太安全安全之影響,及希望找到我國於美軍「聯合介入作戰構想」中之角色及定位。


Since the U.S. presedient Obama took over his postition in 2009, the U.S. Department of Defense published the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) to reexamine the U.S. military planning and national strategy by law. This QDR mentions the rebalancing and shaping of the military force, building the security capacity of partner states, and it also puts emphasis on returning to Asia, expanding future long-range strike capabilities and enhancing the presence and responsiveness of forces abroad. The purpose is to focus on the nations which influence American benefit, and to deter and defeat aggression in anti-access environments. To face the condition of financial austerity in recent years, the U.S. will turn toward regional balance in the Pacific area as a strategic goal under the challenge of future security environment, share the cost by looking for new partner states, reach the safety goal through innovation, low cost and less request for logistics, strengthen the standard of international behavior with partnerstates, andmaintain the military ability of interoperation. This study is to dicuss the role and function of US-Japan alliance in Joint Operation Access Concept (JOAC). Since the U.S. signed the “Treaty of Security and Safeguard between Japan and the United States” with Japan and deployed the U.S. military in Japan by the strategy of Asia-Pacific rebalance and JOAC to defeat the anti-access / area-deny operation. Through the change of the key element of the military deployment in Japan military base and joint military exercise, this study demonstrates the change of the strategic focus of the U.S. and Japan, and forcasts the future development trend by comparing and contrasting the theories and practices, analyzes how the US-Japan alliance defeats the anti-access / area-deny operation by JOAC. Based on this situation, this study is the research on the collaborative project of the US-Japan alliance, and the assessment of the influence on the security of Asis-Pacific area in order to find the role and position of ROC in JOAC.


何思慎,《日本民主黨政權的中國政策(2009-2011 年)》,《遠景季刊》,第十三卷第一期,2012 年1 月,頁1。
陳逸潔,《馬歇爾計畫(Marshall Plan)》,中華經濟研究院,http://www.wtocenter.org.tw/SmartKMS/do/www/readDoc?document_id=70505&action=content
