  • 學位論文


Process-based Building Construction Management System

指導教授 : 蔡明修


建築工程專案之工作項目繁多,營造廠為提升專案績效,符合業主要求,利用專案管 理資訊系統進行專案控管之需求日益成熟。一般以專案為導向的管理資訊系統中,因不同 建築工程之工作項目共同性質高,多標榜專案間的歷史資料可以相互參考再應用。然由於 各專案之業主、設計單位等不同,各專案之工程範圍與內涵仍有不小之差異,進而容易造 成營造廠工程師在使用時常因難以辨認各專案中相似的工作項目之名稱與內容,造成系統 使用者之困擾,降低管理系統之使用效率,甚至產溝通誤會或參考錯誤之缺失。為此,本研 究回歸工作項目之本質,提出以「流程」為基礎之建築工程專案管理概念,以「工作流程 作為各工作項目的辨識主體,並透過「工作流程」串連整合工作項目之成本、進度、品質等 資訊,進而據以開發工程管理系統,以期達到施工資訊整合之效益。綜言之,本研究主要完 成之貢獻有三:(1) 建立一套「以建築施工流程為基礎之系統編碼」,(2)採用 MVC 模式 (Model–view–controller) 完成「建築施工流程管理系統」之開發。(3) 開發建築施工流程之 「外部作業管理行動裝置應用程式」,讓現場工程師可透過手機或平板電腦在施工現場直接 操作系統功能。夠過「建築施工流程管理系統」之開發,本研究除實現以流程為核心的管理 概念外,也同時以 MVC 模型實現一可迅速針對功能需求變更而調整修改的工程系統開發 流程,皆可作為未來後續研究之參考。


Due to the heterogeneity naturality of the construction management information, integrating all the building information could be a tough but critical mission for the building construction project. Meanwhile, the construction items are the core elements for construction management, and the construction process is the identification of the construction items. Therefore, the construction items could be the core linkage between all building information so that the development processes corresponding to the construction elements are the key management targets for the building project. Based on the process-based concept, this study is aimed to develop the Process-based Building Construction Management System (PBCM) using the MVC (Model-view-controller) model framework. The PBCM would be composed of (1) the Server- end website and (2) the mobile application. The server-end website is the foundation of the PBCM which provides the primary data input, construction process management functions and creates the linkage between the information objects and the construction items. The mobile application is the extension of the PBCM providing the functions of the site information management. Using the PBCM, project engineers can not only focus on the construction process management, but they can also reuse the historical project information accumulated in the system due to the identity of the construction processes.


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