  • 學位論文


Explore the Trust Basis of Potential Customers before Transacting in the Sharing Economy-the Case of Airbnb

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


Airbnb在全球的崛起,喚起社會對共享經濟企業的重視。Airbnb的商業模式主要建立在與陌生人間的信任,然而道德風險的發生便是造成房東與房客之間信任破滅的主要原因,連帶出現許多使用Airbnb所產生的社會問題,導致未來使用者對於其現有的信任機制產生諸多質疑的聲音。 本研究以質化研究的方式,對於Airbnb的潛在顧客進行半結構式焦點訪談,以及透過內容分析法界定潛在顧客對於道德風險的認知程度和Airbnb現有信任機制的說服程度,再用詮釋法去推斷潛在顧客對Airbnb的信任主要是建立在何種信任基礎之上,以及解讀信任機制對於道德風險的影響,是否可提升潛在顧客的使用意願。 經由訪談發現,本研究結果如下: (一) 潛在顧客的信任基礎主要建立在熟悉基礎與計算基礎之上。熟悉基礎的建立主要是由於潛在顧客在過去使用其他網路訂房所學習到的經驗,相對地影響到其用同樣的方式在評估Airbnb信任機制是否可以有效率地解決其所認知的道德風險問題。即便有熟悉基礎作參考,潛在顧客最終仍會透過計算基礎去影響其的決策。 (二) 潛在顧客信任的情況受到內外控特質的影響。整體面來看,具有外在控制源的潛在顧客較具內在控制源的潛在顧客易轉變成Airbnb的平台顧客。


Because Airbnb has arisen worldwide, it arouses people treat sharing economy enterprises more seriously. Airbnb’s business model has built upon the trust between strangers. The causes of moral hazard, however, are the essential reasons that hosts and guests break up the trust, and in turn appears a great many social problems. Because of that, potential guests doubt that whether Airbnb’s current trust mechanism could effectively protect their safety when they choose using Airbnb to live in a stranger’s house. This study applies qualitative method of focus group, interviewing with potential guests who have heard Airbnb before but not used Airbnb yet. Meanwhile, we adopt content analysis to explore the degrees to which the potential guests has acknowledged the moral hazard before making decisions, and to which potential guests has been persuaded by Airbnb’s current trust mechanism. Then, interpretive method has been used to infer what the trust bases upon which potential guests build are, and explain whether the trust mechanism could increase potential guests’ using willingness. Conclusions of this research are as follows. 1.Potential guests’ trust bases are mainly built upon the knowledge-based trust and the calculative-based trust. Knowledge-based trust is due to potential guests’ learning from previous experience based on using other similar accommodation-booking website, leading them to use similar ways to assess whether Airbnb’s trust mechanism could effectively solve acknowledged moral hazard problems. Despite the reference of knowledge-based trust, potential guests eventually make decisions with the reference of calculative-based trust. 2.The trust situations among potential guests are affected by locus of control. Overall, potential guests with external locus of control seem more easily to become Airbnb’s guests than potential guests with internal locus of control.


黃哲盛與陳芃均 (2016),「精品潛在顧客面對服務接觸缺失的自我修復行為研究」,臺大管理論叢,第27卷第1期(12月),頁99-128。


