  • 學位論文


The Study on Key Success Factors of Gearing Industry

指導教授 : 黃志文 劉菊梅


齒輪加工業是整體機械加工業中很小的一部份,就像一般車床加工、銑床加工一樣都是機械加工中的一環,但是由於齒輪理論不同於一般車床加工或是銑床加工為許多人所熟知,所以在台灣實際從事齒輪加工的齒商數目遠遠不及車床加工或銑床加工,也由於齒輪理論屬於較深而冷門的知識,所以在台灣齒輪加工業中實際能掌握時代潮流與技術竅門的廠商更是寥寥可數。   齒輪多被用於傳遞力量與改變力量方向的場合,在電子科技興起後,部分傳動改由伺服馬達取代,齒輪精度要求也因而提高許多,這一現象造成許多齒輪加工廠不願意繼續押注齒輪加工業的前景而紛紛退出,但是近年來全球暖化問題受到重視,「綠能」、「節能」變成當道的重點,至此齒輪再度受到重視,理由就在於透過齒輪的使用,可以減小馬達的規格,使用較少的電力來達到同樣的力量。   一個公司的興衰,自然要看公司管理階層如何帶領公司往能生存方向前進,齒輪加工業在台灣已經超過60年的歷史,其中許多廠商也順應世界的趨勢累積了寶貴的技術能力與經營經驗,我們要探討台灣幾家規模較大的齒輪加工廠如何能在過去幾年中成長與茁壯,我們將透過訪談來找出齒輪加工業中的關鍵成功因素。


The gearing is in the whole industrial manufacturing a very small part. It is like lathing, milling industries in Taiwan. We can find many jobbers. Because of its higher tech level than lathing and milling, the number of the gear jobbers is much less than lathing and milling. Because of the same reason, the gear jobbers who truly understand the gearing theories and can follow the technical trend and skill know-how are less.  Gear is usually used to transmit the strength and transfer the direction of the strength. Since electronic device invented, some gear applications are substituted by servo motor. In the meantime, the requirement of the gear quality is higher and higher. Because of this trend, some gear jobbers gave up to invest more in the gearing business. Recently, people paid more and more attention on the “Global Warming” issue. It makes “Cleasn Energy” and “Energy Conservation” as a headline topic. This situation helps gear industry, because we could use smaller motor equipped with the gear box to get enough torque. This means power conserved.  How the managers lead decides a company’s fate. It is over sixty years since the first gear jobber built in Taiwan. Today, some of the gear jobbers are big and strong. They followed the world trend and accumulated valuable know-how and manage experience. Why are they big and strong? We picked up three gear jobbers. We interviewed with their top managers to find out the key success factors (KSF) of gearing industry. We hope it is useful for the gear jobbers in Taiwan.


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