  • 學位論文


A Meta-evaluation of University Program Evaluation in the 2008 academic year in Taiwan –From the viewpoints of students

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在針對97年度大學系所評鑑進行後設評鑑。所採取的研究方法包括文件分析、文獻探討及問卷調查,問卷調查對象為97年度受評大學系所之學生,共計發出1,872 份問卷,實得有效問卷884份,問卷回收率為47.22%。 本研究主要目的包含: 一、瞭解我國大學校院系所評鑑迄今之實施情形。 二、探討學生對大學校院系所評鑑之看法。 三、探討學生對大學校院系所評鑑受評過程之參與程度。 四、探討學生對大學校院系所評鑑受評過程之瞭解。 五、透過對97年度受評系所學生之問卷調查,瞭解受評系所在評鑑後之改善情形。 六、根據研究結果提供建議,提供相關單位作為未來決策參考。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、第一週期的一般大學系所評鑑已於98年度全部執行完畢,其總通過率為86.86%,待觀察系所班所占之比率為11.75%,未通過之系所班所占之比率為1.59%。且自97年度之後的四次系所評鑑均無「未通過」之系所班。 二、對評鑑「未通過」及「待觀察」的系所班制也已經分別進行再評鑑及追蹤評鑑,其結果是除一些系所班改為學位學程,免給予認可結果外,目前尚無未通過者。 三、受評系所學生對97年度的大學系所評鑑,在「評鑑的評鑑項目,有充分的瞭解」、「評鑑結果的處理的滿意度與接受度」、「評鑑目的達成成效之評估」項目方面大多持正面看法。 四、公、私立大學校院學生在「評鑑的過程」方面的回應有所差異,私立校院學生對評鑑的瞭解及參與程度等都比公立校院為高。 五、不同學科類別的學生在「評鑑的過程」項目方面的回應有所差異,其中商業及管理學科學生對評鑑之瞭解及參與程度最高。 六、不同階段就讀的學生在「評鑑的過程」項目方面的回應有所差異,其中對評鑑的瞭解及參與程度最高的為博士生。


This study, by adopting the methods of document analysis, literature review, and mailed questionnaires, aims to conduct a meta evaluation towards the university program evaluation in the 2008 academic year in Taiwan, from the perspectives of one of the stockholders, e. g. the students. A self-designed questionnaire was used in this study, and the number of samples selected was 1,872. In total, the number of valid returned questionnaires was 884, accounting for a returned rate of 47.22%. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.The first cycle's University Program Evaluation has been completed between 2006 and 2009. Of the total programs evaluated, 86.86% programs were granted “accredited” status, 11.75% were under observation (e.g., conditional pass), and 1.59%. were de-accredited (fail). 2. The re-evaluation towards those programs without “accredited” status, has been undertaken one year after, and all the programs had successfully passed re-evaluation or follow-up evaluations finally. 3. According to the responses from the questionnaires, most students hold positive attitudes towards the university program evaluation in the 2008 academic year, including the design of the evaluation system, the criteria used for evaluation, the process of evaluation., and the presentation of results of evaluation, etc. 4.There are differences in the responses between the students of public and private universities, and the students in the private sector had a better understanding about the evaluation system, and had more positive attitude towards the participation than their public counterparts. 5.Differences also existed in students studying in the different subjects or disciplines, and the students in the business and management studies were the group with better understanding about the evaluation and committed themselves more positively to the preparation of evaluation. 6. The differences among the 3 degree-levels of students in universities, i.e. first degree, master degree, and doctorate degree, were also found in this study, and students working towards the doctorate degree understood better and participated in the preparation of evaluation more positively than the students of the other two degree levels.


