  • 學位論文


A Discussion on the Economic Transition of the Budai Area (1895-1945)

指導教授 : 張素玢


本論文以日治時期布袋地區為研究區域,觀察「農業及漁鹽業」的產業發展與區域之間的關係,布袋庄與東石庄同為東石郡靠海的街庄,因此在地理、環境等因素與布袋庄同質性較高,所以本論文也以東石庄作為比較互為參考。布袋的「魍港」在荷鄭時期就是重要的漁鹽產地,清乾隆中期後布袋地區開發已逐漸飽和,日治初期布袋行政區仍沿用清代,分屬「大坵田西堡、龍蛟潭堡、白鬚公潭堡」管轄,大正9年(1920)台灣總督府實施「街庄改正」後,改隸屬台南州東石郡布袋庄,其與現今布袋鎮行政區範圍大致相同。 日治時期布袋地區農業發展大致可分三個時期:1.樹林頭陂時期:沿自清代的樹林頭陂,其灌溉範圍大致以樹林頭附近的十三莊,大約在現今布袋鎮東邊靠近嘉南平原中心的樹林里、貴舍里等。 2.公共埤圳時期:明治36年(1903)由莊稠文等領銜向官方申請修復加入公共埤圳組合,大正10年(1921)樹林頭圳完工,成為東石郡內唯一的原有埤圳。鹽水港製糖會社為了增加甘蔗栽種面積、產值等目的,陸續投入土地改良、整地等,興建布袋港至新營、新營至樹林頭之間的鐵道,大正13年(1924)新樹圳竣工。由於水利設施的陸續完工,使得布袋庄成為東石郡內水田與旱田面積比例最接近的街庄,也是東石郡內水利設施最完善的區域。昭和2年(1927)布袋庄首次栽種蓬萊米水稻,此後成為東石郡最主要的栽種區域,另外在來種水稻、糯米種水稻也是東石郡最重要的產地。東石庄境內雖有荷包嶼水路、朴子溪與北港溪等,但由於缺乏水利設施,境內旱田遠多於水田,所以其農業以甘蔗、甘藷及陸稻為主。 3.嘉南大圳時期:昭和5年(1930)嘉南大圳完工,樹林頭圳納入嘉南大圳組合管轄,由於嘉南大圳灌溉範圍深入東石郡其他街庄,東石庄水田面積逐漸提高,蓬萊米等水稻栽種面積逐漸超越布袋庄,但旱田面積仍多於水田。布袋庄在嘉南大圳完工後水旱田比例、農業產值仍維持前期,到了昭和8年(1933)布袋地區因八掌溪大洪,於隔年興建堤防後,同年布袋庄水田面積超越旱田,布袋庄水田面積與農業產值也呈現緩慢增加,此一時期的農業成長或產量增加的幅度,東石庄表現優於布袋庄,水利設施使布袋庄的農業不在一支獨秀。 樹林頭莊家在清代擁有樹林頭陂,幾代經營逐漸成為本地的意見領袖,因為參與官方平定附近亂事,及接連兩代高中武舉人,由「農民」變成「仕紳」階級,而後家族疏於經營使得家勢逐漸衰退。日治時期莊家因水利仍是地方意見領袖,扮演與官方溝通的角色。布袋庄長原本由沿海地區的蔡乃誠擔任,到了大正13年(1924)後布袋地區樹林頭圳及新樹圳大致完成後,改由樹林頭莊寬出任庄長,莊家由單純的地方領袖,也因參與東石郡農事組合及嘉南大圳組合評議員等事務,如同心圓般擴大到參與東石郡及台南州事務。 就漁業方面而論,布袋地區早在荷鄭時期就是重要的漁場與鹽業地區,從康熙中葉布袋沿海地區已有魚塭的記載,到了乾隆中期有不少的鹽埕與魚塭紀錄。漁業區在日治初期由布袋嘴區蔡乃誠領銜,向台灣總督府等單位申請以布袋嘴港與新厝仔附近「圍海成魚池」,主要養殖項目以「虱目魚及牡蠣」為主,是東石郡內海水養殖面積最多的街庄。大正7年(1918)成立「布袋嘴艀船信用組合」主要以從事近海漁業及蔡姓為主,是布袋地區在日治時期唯一的信用組合。昭和5年隨著嘉南大圳完工,昭和9年(1934)八掌溪堤防興建完成,同年水田面積超越旱田,除了「旱田水田化」之外,養魚池面積同年也大幅減少,土地獲得改良而由「養魚池」變成旱田或水田。布袋地區的淡水養殖多位於灌溉或排水末端及聚落附近的水池,水池除了養殖淡水魚外,也供為民生或農業用水等項目,所以面積不大。養殖漁業收獲期時間長且易受自然環境影響,土地利用一旦出現誘因,便改為農業用地,日治時期漁業區因嘉南大圳的出現面積漸少,此為布袋地區經濟的最大特色。 在論鹽業方面,清代布袋地區即有「大田場」與「洲南場」的鹽田,為官方所開發。日治初期台灣總督府為收攬民心及管理等問題,採放任政策讓民間鹽業自由發展。布袋雖然歷經日軍攻台遭到炮火破壞,但從買賣契約中可看出鹽業很快恢復生產。明治32年(1900)台灣總督府基於財政等考量,宣佈食鹽專賣,隔年公布「台灣食鹽專賣規則」鼓勵日本資本及台灣資本加入鹽業生產。明治39年(1906)公佈第二期鹽田計劃,使得布袋鹽田往北延伸至掌潭庄,往南至八掌溪附近新塭、虎尾寮等沿海地區。嘉南大圳完工後鹽田面積與土地利用未受影響,八掌溪堤防修築完工後,鹽田面積攀至高峰。太平洋戰爭爆發後,台灣總督府逐漸合併布袋地區鹽田,昭和16年(1941)合併台灣製鹽株式會社與南日本製鹽會社,隔年鐘淵曹達株式會社在布袋地區設立鹽副產品提煉溴工廠,鹽成為軍需用品。因為運鹽的關係,使得布袋港成為嘉義沿海地區唯一的可以停泊汽船的港口,新塭港成為此一時期出現的新港口,由於製鹽歸國有,鹽工成為生產工具收入有限,加上無法像漁業可以改變土地利用,使得鹽業區發展較為遲緩。 觀察上述農業與漁鹽業的發展,在日治時期布袋地區以農業為發展主軸,農業的發展與樹林頭圳、新樹圳及嘉南大圳的完成有關,也因此改變原本的土地利用,成為日治時期布袋地區的產業特色,也有別於現今對布袋鎮即為「漁鹽之鄉」的刻板印象。


This thesis uses Budai region under Japanese rule as the research region to observe the relationship between industrial development of “agriculture and fisheries and salt” and the regions. Budai-sho and Dongshi-sho are both seaside villages in Dongshi-kun. Thus, it is more similar to Budai-sho in terms of geography and environment; thus this thesis also uses Dongshi-sho for comparison and reference. Budai’s “Wang Port” was an important place for fisheries and salt in under rule by the Dutch and Cheng Chenggong. After the middle of Qianlong’s reign in the Qing Dynasty, development of the Budai region had become more mature. At the start of Japanese rule, the Budai administrative regions followed that of the Qing, under the jurisdiction of “Dachiutian West Fort, Longjiaotan Fort, Baishugongtan Fort.” In Taisho 9 (1920), the Governor-General’s Office in Taiwan implemented “administrative division modification,” and Budai was placed under Tainan-shu, Dongshi-kun, Budai-sho, largely similar to the current administrative region as the current Budai Village. Under Japanese rule, agricultural development in the Budai region can generally be divided into three periods: 1.Shulin Toupo era: Shulin Toupo was the same as in the Qing, with an irrigation area of approximately the thirteen villages near Shulintou, approximately in today’s Shulin Township and Kueishe Township to the east side of Budai Village near the center of the Jianan Plains. 2. Public irrigation canal era: In Meiji 36 (1903), Chuang Cho-wen headed the application to the government for repairs and participation in the public irrigation canals association. In Taisho 10 (1921), the Shulin Toujun was complete, becoming the only original irrigation canal in Dongshi-kun. In order to achieve goals such as increase the area for cultivating sugarcane and increasing production value, Yanshui Port Sugar Company devoted itself to land improvement and cultivation, and built the railroad from Budai Harbor to Hsin-ying, and from Hsin-ying to Shulintou, and in Taisho 13 (1924) Hsinshujun was complete. Due to the gradual completion of irrigation facilities, Budai-sho became the administrative unit within Dongshi-kun with the closest ratio of wet paddy to dry farmland, and it is also the area with best irrigation in Dongshi-kun. In Showa 2 (1927) Penglai rice was grown for the first time, and became the most significant cultivation area in Dongshi-kun. Additionally, Dongshi-kun was also the most significant cultivation area for Tsailai rice and glutinous rice. Dongshi Village has rivers and waterways such as Puzih Stream and Beigang Stream, but because of the lack of irrigation facilities, its dry farmlands far exceeded its wet paddies; thus its agriculture primarily consisted of sugarcane, yams, and dry farmland rice. 3. Jianan Canal era: The Jianan Canel was completed in Showa 5 (1930), Shulin Toujun was incorporated into Jianan Canal administration. Since the irrigation scope of Jianan Canal penetrated the other administrative areas of Dongshi-kun, Dongshi-sho’s wet paddy areas began to increase, the area for growing wet paddy rice such as Penglai rice gradually exceeded that of Budai-sho, but it still had more dry farmland than wet paddy. After completion of the Jianan Canal, Budai-sho maintained its ratio of wet paddy to dry farmland and agricultural production value. In Showa 8 (1933) the Budai region began building a dam due to Bachang River flooding, and in the same year the area of wet paddy exceeded that of dry farmland in Budai-sho; Budai-sho wet paddy ratio and agricultural production value also slowly increased. During this period, Dongshi-sho performed better than Budai-sho in terms of agricultural growth and increase of production value; irrigation facilities took away the leadership position of Budai-sho agriculture. Shulintou’s Chuang family owned the Shulin Toupo in the Qing Dynasty. Over a few generations, it gradually became an opinion leader in the area. Since it participated in quelling local rebellions, and it had people in two consecutive generations with the martial Juren title, their “peasant” status was transformed into the “gentry status,” but their family gradually declined due to management problems. Under Japanese rule, the Chuang family was still a local opinion leader due to irrigation, and played the role of communicating with the government. Chief of the Budai-sho was Tsai Nai-cheng who lived on the coast, but after Taisho 13 (1924) and the completion of Shulin Toujun and Hsinshujun in Budai region, Shulintou’s Chuang Kuan became chief, and his family gradually evolved from mere local leaders to participating in Dongshi-kun agricultural organizations and Jianan Canal organization’s evaluator, and finally enlarged to participation in affairs of Dongshi-kun and Tainan-shu. In terms of fisheries and salt, the Budai region was important since the Dutch and Cheng times. There were records of cultivation fisheries along the coastal areas of Budai as early as in the middle of Kangxi years, and by the middle of Qianlong’s rule, there were many records of salt fields and fisheries. Budaizui Area’s Tsai Naicheng led the fishing industry in applying to the Governor-General Office of Taiwan for “using the ocean as fish ponds” in Budaizui Port and Hsintsoutsai, which primarily raised “milkfish and oysters” as the administrative unit with the highest area for saltwater fisheries in Dongshi-kun. In Taisho 7 (1928), the “Budai Tsuifu Trust Association” was established, which was primarily comprised of the coastal fishing industry and the Tsai family, and this was the only trust association in Budai region under Japanese rule. In Showa 5, with completion of the Jianan Canal and in Showa 9 (1934) with completion of the Bachang River dam, in the same year the area for wet paddies exceeded that of dry farmland. Along with the replacement of dry farmland with wet paddies, the surface of the fish ponds also greatly decreased in the same year, as the land was improved and such ponds were turned into wet or dry farmland. Budai region freshwater fish cultivation was generally located in ponds at the ends of irrigation or water disposal or in nearby ponds. These ponds not only bred freshwater fish but also were used for civilian and agricultural water, so they were very big. The cultivation fishing industry had a long yield period but it was easily affected by the natural environment. Whenever there were incentives for land use, the ponds were turned into land for agriculture. During Japanese rule, the area for the fishing industry became smaller due to appearance of the Jianan Canal; this the major feature of the Budai region economy. In terms of the salt industry, during the Qing Dynasty, Budai region had salt fields such as “Datienchang” and “Chounanchang,” which were developed by the government. In the initial stages of Japanese rule, the Governor-General Office of Taiwan allowed the private salt industry to develop freely in order to pacify the people and to facilitate management. Although Budai was damaged in the course of Japanese attacks, purchasing contracts show that production in the salt industry was quickly resumed. In Meiji 32 (1900), in consideration of finances, the Governor-General Office of Taiwan announced that salt would be sold in a government monopoly, and in next year it promulgated “rules for salt monopoly in Taiwan,” encouraging Japanese and Taiwanese capital to engage in salt production. In Meiji 39 (1906), the second stage of the salt fields project was promulgated, so that the Budai salt fields extended to Jangtan-cho in the north, to coastal areas of Hsin-au and Huweiliao near Bachang River. After completion of the Jianan Canal, the area and land use of salt fields was not affected. After completion of the Bachang River dam, the area of salt fields peaked. After the Pacific War began, the Governor-General Office of Taiwan gradually consolidated Budai region salt fields, and established the Taiwan Manufacturing and Research Company and South Japan Salt Company in Showa 16 (1941). The next year, Chungyuantsaoda Company established a salt by-product bromine factory in Budai region, and salt became needed by the military. Due to salt shipment, Budai Harbor became the only port that could accommodate steamboats along the coast of Chiayi, and Hsin-au Port became the new port to appear in this period. Since the state had a salt monopoly, salt production only yielded limited income, and since it was impossible to change land usage like in the fishing industry, development of the salt industry areas was slower. Observation of the above agricultural, fishery, and salt industries shows that during the period of Japanese rule Budai region development was based on agriculture, such agricultural development was related to the completion of Shulin Toujun, Hsinshujun, and Jianan Canal, and further changed the original ways of utilizing land. This became a unique trait of Budai region industry under Japanese rule, and this differs from the current stereotypes of Budai Village as the “home of fisheries and salt.”


