  • 學位論文


Analysis of Clinton Administration's Policy in Signing the WTO Agreements: Applying the International Regime Change Model

指導教授 : 戴萬欽


本論文將從國際建制變遷的角度來探討在建立「世界貿易組織」的新建制時,美國是否居於主導者的地位?「世界貿易組織」的權力行使是否會對美國造成主權的損害?筆者希望能透過文獻資料的整理,從美國的角度去審視「WTO協定」對美國的重要性,及柯林頓政府在簽署該協定前所作的諸多考量。本論文將採用基歐罕和奈依「複合互賴理論」中的「國際建制變遷」(international regime change)三個模式來解釋美國如何透過建立新的國際貿易建制來達成其貿易政策的目標,其包括:國際組織模式(international organization model)、權力結構解釋(overall power structure explanation)及議題結構(issue structure)。筆者希望以國際建制變遷的觀點探討美國柯林頓政府簽署「WTO協定」的決定,以瞭解美國在簽署「WTO協定」前所作的精密考量,及其如何影響國際建制的建立與修正,以符合其國家利益。國際建制是以自利為出發點,故本文將探討美國在經濟霸權衰退下,需要哪些新國際貿易建制來確保其貿易優勢;對於協定內容部分,除了針對GATT和WTO時期的結構、爭端解決機制部分作分析,探討新建制是否能有效解決美國及其它國家的貿易糾紛,增加美國企業的利益。本論文發現美國在建立WTO的各項建制時,曾透過權力來影響建制的制定,將其國內法律的精神注入到WTO的各協定中,使美國法律符合WTO的各項建制,亦使WTO中的各項建制符合美國的利益。


The main purpose of this essay is to analyze the United States’ role in the international regime changing from GATT to WTO. The author wants to analyze Clinton administration’s policy in signing the WTO Agreements, furthermore, find out whether the United States played a leading role in establishing the new regime, and whether the establishment of the WTO would prejudice the sovereignty of the United States. The author applies Keohane and Nye’s “international regime change models” to explain how the United States utilized her power in Uruguay Round Negotiations, and expanded her influence in the establishment and amendment of the new trade regime. International regime is based on self-interest, so the author wants to find out what kind of international trade regime the United States needed to assure her trade superiority in the early 1990’s; and whether the new trade regime can settle the disputes between the United States and her trade counterparts. In the findings, the author concludes that the United States had manipulated her power and influence in Uruguay Round Negotiations in order to make the new regime of WTO conform to the spirit of the United States’ laws, and to make the national interests of the United States maximum.


──────, Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World, NY: Routledge,2002
