  • 學位論文


The Impact of The Sino-US Trade War on taiwanese businessmen

指導教授 : 李志強 蔡青蓉


美中貿易爭端持續不斷,川普執政之後,並爆發貿易戰。全球最大的兩個經濟體之貿易戰火接連上演,雙方不但都沒得到預期的利益,甚至各自的經濟成長動能都呈現弱勢,且已進一步波及全球經濟景氣。 臺灣要從美中貿易戰可能的危機化為轉機:對企業來說,如何更多元布局,包括開拓更多元的市場及產品,是因應美中貿易戰的根本之道;對政府而言,藉此機會加快推動臺灣產業升級轉型,讓臺灣企業更大步走向全球,是對臺灣經濟及國家安全最佳保障方法。 美中貿易衝突雖可能衝擊台灣經濟,卻也促成政府吸引投資的良機;惟為落實台灣企業升級轉型,並成為全球供應鏈中無可取代的一方,仍須持續深化自主關鍵能力,充實專業人才,且妥善規劃土地及電力等資源,讓企業擴大投資,以利開拓全球市場。


The U.S.-China trade dispute continued, and after Trump took power, a trade war broke out. The trade wars of the two largest economies in the world have been staged in succession. Not only have both parties not received the expected benefits,but their respective economic growth momentum has been weak, and it has further affected the global economic boom. Taiwan must turn from a possible crisis in the US-China trade war into an opportunity: For enterprises, how to diversify the layout, including exploring more diversified markets and products, is due to the US-China trade war For the government, taking this opportunity to accelerate the upgrading and transformation of Taiwan’s industries and allow Taiwanese companies to go global even further is the best guarantee for Taiwan’s economy and national security. Although the U.S.-China trade conflict may impact Taiwan’s economy, it also provides a good opportunity for the government to attract investment. However, in order to implement the upgrading and transformation of Taiwan’s enterprises and become an irreplaceable party in the global supply chain, it is necessary to continue to deepen the key capabilities of autonomy and enrich professional talent , And properly plan resources such as land and electricity to allow enterprises to expand investment to facilitate the development of global markets.


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2. 朱浤源,2004年,《撰寫碩博士論文實戰手冊》,台北市:正中書局。
3. 王玉民,1997年,《社會科學研究方法原理》,台北市:洪葉文化。
4. Ranjit Kumar;胡龍騰、黃瑋瑩、潘中道譯,民89年,《研究方法:步驟化學習指南》,台北市;學富文化。
