  • 學位論文


The Study of Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Initiative on Issue of Women’s Right to Vote

指導教授 : 李本京


本論文主要研究早期美國婦權領導人士伊莉莎白.凱迪.史坦頓爭取婦女投票權的過程及其影響。美國婦女爭取投票權的由來已久,婦女認為尚未獲得投票權是婦女在社會上不平等的主要原因,在十九世紀末、二十世紀初,美國的第一波婦女運動主要訴求即在於爭取公民投票權,同時也是婦女爭取參政權的開始。 史坦頓貢獻畢生於爭取美國婦女的投票權,史坦頓自年少時期,即深受父親的影響,見到許多婦女遭受不公平待遇的案例,並在成長過程中遭受了許多不平等的待遇,包括求學階段的受阻及工作的受限,促使她痛下決心、終其一生為婦女投票權奮鬥。在史坦頓推動女權的過程中,亦有許多轉折,包括與非裔民權人士的分裂、一次大戰的發生、婦女團體的內部意見分歧等,因有同為婦運領袖的盟友蘇姍.安東尼的協助及不放棄的毅力,最終仍促使史坦頓化危機為轉機,成功地推動婦女投票權運動並使美國憲法第十九條修正案得以在西元1920年獲得通過。 論文章節內容分別為第一章的研究動機與目的、方法及架構,第二章介紹史坦頓的女權思想背景及啟蒙原因,第三章為史坦頓在領導婦女投票權的前期貢獻,包括其盟友的出現、婦運組織的形成及發展轉折,第四章為史坦頓在領導婦女投票權的後期貢獻,包括新思考、策略及其著作“婦女聖經”的著作,第五章為結論,總結史坦頓對於現代婦權發展的景況所造成之影響及未來可能發展的方向。


Title of Thesis: The Study of Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Initiative on Issue of Women’s Right to Vote Total pages:63 Key word: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, feminism, Women’s Right to Vote Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of the Americas, Tamkang University Graduate date: Jan., 2013 Degree conferred : Master Name of student: Mi-Wun Shiue Advisor: Dr. Thomas B. Lee 薛米紋 李本京 博士 Abstract: The suffrage of women was the central issue of the first-wave feminism in the United States, women didn’t obtain the right to vote and that’s the main reason for the inequality of women in the society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a vital leader of the women’s suffrage- movement. She was influenced by her father when she was young; she realized that women were treated unfairly in the society. During her life, she also experienced the discrimination; therefore, she devoted herself to form the organization of women’s right of vote and got together with the allies, like Susan B. Antony who offered assistance. During the process of Stanton’s suffrage movement, there were some transitions, including the African civil rights division, the occurrence of World War I , the internal disagreement and so on. However, she didn’t give up; she continued the activities and made many new strategies to overcome the obstruction. Finally, the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920. In this thesis, chapter one explains the motivation and purpose of this study. Chapter two discusses the background of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the enlightenment of the suffrage of women. Chapter three analyses the contribution to the leadership of the women's right to vote during the early period, including the emergence of allies, the development of the women's movement organizations. Chapter four discusses the contribution of women's right to vote during the late period, including the impact of new thoughts and strategies and the influence of "Women's Bible", Chapter five summarizes Stanton’s impact on the progress of the current women's rights ’situation and possible development in the future.


簡.格雷特/ 凱瑟琳.湯普森原著,鹿橋文化事業股份有限公司譯,伊麗
Elizabeth,Cady Stanton / Stanton,Theodore (EDT)/Blatch,Harriot Stanton (EDT),Elizabeth Cady Stanton: As Revealed in Her Letters, Diary and Reminiscences, Lightning Source Inc.,2007.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote,2010
