  • 學位論文

台北市生活型態與市場區隔之研究 —以三商銀客戶為例

A Study of Lifestyle and Market Segmentation:A Case Study of Taipei Customers of First Commercial Bank﹐Hua Nan Commercial Bank and Chang Hwa Commercial Bank

指導教授 : 黃志文
共同指導教授 : 劉菊梅


面對全球金融自由化下,國際化的潮流衝擊,銀行業如何在競爭激烈的金融市場上求生存,已是銀行最迫切的課題。本研究以市場區隔理論為基礎,來區隔顧客群,以提供銀行業者作為行銷策略參考。 本研究目的是用一般生活型態為區隔變數,以台北市區的三商銀有開戶往來的客戶為抽樣對象,採便利抽樣方法,有效問卷有327份。研究問卷共分兩大部分,第一部分為生活型態,第二部份人口統計變數。分析中應用了ANOVA分析、卡方檢定、因素分析及集群分析等統計方法。 經研究分析後,本研究結果發現: 1. 以二十三題AIO量表,透過因素分析萃取出「流行新穎因素」、「社交活躍因素」、「購物務實因素」、「隨性品牌因素」、及「理性獨立因素」等五個生活型態因素。 2. 經由集群及鑑別分析,區隔為三個市場區隔,分別命名為「購物時尚集群」、「品牌外控集群」與「社交理性務實集群」,在五個生活型態因素上皆有顯著差異在五個生活型態因素上皆有顯著差異。 3. 三個市場區隔與人口統計變數中的「性別」、「年齡」、「職業」及「個人平均月收入」等有關,表示三個市場區隔在這些人口統計變數上的分佈上有顯著差異。


生活型態 市場區隔


Facing the impact of financial liberalization and internationalization, the survival of the banking industry in the fierce competitive financial market has become the most pressing issue for the banks. Based on the theory of market segmentation to separate different consumer groups, this research provides a marketing strategic reference for the banking industries. Using the lifestyle variables as segmentation bases, a total of 327questionnaires were collected from customers who opened an account with First Commercial Bank and Hua Nan Commercial Bank and Chang Hwa Commercial Bank in Taipei . The study questionnaire was divided into two major parts; first part was on the lifestyle and the second part was on the demographic variables. ANOVA analysis, chi-square test, factor analysis and cluster analysis of statistical methods were used to analyze the applications. The research findings are as follows: 1. Using the 23 questions from the lifestyle (AIO) questionnaires, five factors namely, “popular novelty”, “socialization activity”, “pragmatic factors shopping”, “fashion brand”, and “rational and independent” were obtained through the factors analysis of extraction. 2. Using Cluster and Discriminated analysis, respondent samples can be segmented into three market segments, namely, “Fashion shopping”, “External – Control brand”, and “rational and pragmatic social group.” A significant differences were found in both the three market segments and five lifestyle factors. 3. Significant differences were found in “gender,” “age,” “occupation,” and “personal average monthly income,” in the three market segments.


Lifestyle Market segmentation


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王 璐(2010)。台灣高鐵消費者生活型態與市場區隔之研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.01260
