  • 學位論文


Investigation and research of the oral interpellate of legislators about cross-strait relations- Seventh Legislative Yuan

指導教授 : 陳建甫


國會議員的核心目標,都是想要「追求勝選連任」(Mayhew, 1974),在立法院問政提案、參與立法、監督行政部門,正是代議士個人政治理想或政黨政綱的具體實踐,而問政內容與過程是關係政黨競爭、選區利益、或攸關全民福祉。 兩岸關係的議題已經成為第七屆立法院總質詢的焦點,本研究採內容分析方式,分析立法委員在兩岸議題的關注焦點、在總質詢中所佔的比重,並比較不同政黨、選區的立法委員質詢議題偏好,以及媒體報導兩岸時事議題或突發事件,對立法委員質詢的影響。 本研究也選定「陳雲林來台事件」、「ECFA」、「大陸(中國)學歷」,進行個案研究,就立法委員在總質詢中所談的內容進行分析。為瞭解選區、政黨對立法委員質詢內容之影響,選定賴士葆、張花冠、江玲君、陳亭妃、林益世、柯建銘等六位立委,就其在總質詢中的兩岸議題質詢內容進行研究。 研究發現,在總質詢中有關兩岸相關議題佔28%,其中立委最關心的為兩岸經濟性議題佔50%,以黨籍看,國民黨的委員偏好經濟性議題,而民進黨籍委員比較著重政治性議題,時事議題確實會影響立委的質詢內容,當兩岸間有重要事件發生,在立法院總質詢與兩岸有關的量會有明顯提升。 議題個案分析發現,在高度政治性議題當中,立法委員的質詢內容,以加強其所屬政黨之立場為多,政治性較低議題,則立委較有空間在質詢中闡述自身立場。在立法委員的質詢個案研究中,透過質詢強化自身政黨立場的表態多過於討論。單一選區兩票制中,代議士為獲得選票最大值,立場會朝中間靠攏,在個案研究中,當選票數與對手較接近的立委,在兩岸議題質詢內容,其言論並沒有明顯朝中間靠攏跡象。


The main concern of every legislator is to seek for winning next campaign. (Mayhew:1974) Delegates realize their politician ideas or party principals through lawmaking process, interpellation, and supervision of administration department. The content usually relate to parties competition, benefit of electoral districts, or social warfare. Issues of cross-strait relations have become main subject for general interpellation of 7th legislative yuan members. This study uses content analysis, and concentrates on sorting out variety cross-strait issues of legislators’ focus, and percentage of these issues in their interpellation while comparing their agenda preference according to different parties and electoral districts or influence of current news and public opinion. 3 significant events are selected as case studies in this thesis, including Chen, Yunlin visited Taiwan, Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, and academic recognition of Mainland China, to analyze related content from legislators in interpellation. In order to understand the influence of different electoral districts and party backgrounds to legislators’ interpellation, I choose 6 legislators to analyze their cross-strait focus in oral interpellation, including Lai, Shyh-Bao, Chang, Hwa-Kuan, Chiang, Lin-Chun, Chen, Ting-Fei , Lin, Yi- Shih and Ker, Chien-Ming. As a result of this study, cross-strait issues stand 28% of whole agenda in the general interpellation, in which half of them are economic. KMT’s legislators concern more about cross-strait economy while DPP’s legislators concern rather about political agenda. In addition, the numbers of cross-strait related interpellation obviously increase when there is current news impact. Case studies indicate that legislators prefer to strengthen their party’s position in high political issues, while they are more flexible in explaining their own opinion as individual in low political issues, and they expresses much politic ideology of party rather than practical discussion. Within framework of the single-member district and two-vote system, delegates tend to maximize their votes by stating their position towards median voters, however, in the cases of this thesis, legislators who won election against their competitors with little difference show no preference to appeal median voters in their interpellation related to cross-strait issues.


蕭新煌(1984),〈立法委員與臺灣的農業問題和農業政策-立法委員農業質詢的內容分析1953-1982〉,《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》,57 期,頁57-94。
