  • 學位論文


A Study of The Development of The Renewable Energy’s Electricity in China

指導教授 : 郭建中


中國大陸自從開放改革以來,經濟成長速度飛快,對於能源電力的需求也是日益增長,而這些日益增長的電力需求供應有超過八成來自產生較多污染的火力發電;另外由於世界能源分佈不均,中國本身的初級能源優勢在於污染相對嚴重的煤炭,較為清潔的石油及天然氣仰賴進口,因此中國的電力產業勢必面臨京都議定書簽署後,減排議題的重大考驗,所以根據京都議定書所提倡的清潔能源使用,加上中國政府規劃提高能源供給自給自足的國家政策,使得中國的再生能源電力市場具有相當大的發展潛力。 本文以產業和產品生命週期理論及政府產業發展角色等相關理論,使用次級資料分析法的方式,透過電力市場特性和結構的探討,配合中國政府所規劃出來的再生能源發展政策,來分析中國目前發展再生能源電力(水力能、風力能、太陽能、生質能、地熱能、海洋能)的發展現況,而研究的結果研究者將不同的再生能源在中國的發展現況做了分類,分別是水力發電的成熟期階段,風力發電和生質能發電的成長期階段,海洋能發電和太陽能發電的萌芽期階段,及地熱能發電的衰退期階段,然後根據不同的發展階段,最後再去審視中國政府在不同發展階段所給予的包括法規制訂、電力價格干預、租稅優惠、國外技術合作和金融層面補助等面向的政府協助,藉以瞭解中國政府對於再生能源電力發展的介入方式。


Since China went through economic reform, the growth of economy had boomed and the demand in electricity also risen day by day. Over eighty percent of the power supply is from fire cogeneration which produces much more pollution;the priority energy of china is carbon that pollutes seriously, but oil and gas those pollutes seldom have to rely on importing. So the electricity industry in China must face the tough issue of emission decrease after sighing Kyoto protocol. According to Kyoto protocol which promotes clean energy and national policy that plans to raise the energy amount making itself satisfied with, it makes Chinese renewable energy electrical market own enormous potential. The article analyses developing renewable energy power(hydropower, wind power, solar power, biomass energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy) and researches the particularity or structure of power market by the way of secondary data analysis and related theory including industry life cycle, product life cycle and government ‘s role.According to my research, hydropower in china belongs to mature stage. Wind power and biomass energy belongs to growth stage. Solar power and ocean power belongs to embryonic stage. Geothermal energy belongs to decline stage. Through different progress, comprehending Chinese government involves with the power electricity developing by surveying some aspects such as the law enacting, electricity price intervening, tax discount, foreign technology corporation and financial bounty.


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