  • 學位論文


Identity Formation, Environmental Justice, and Revision of Problems of Globalization in Tropic of Orange

指導教授 : 蔡振興


本文嘗試從全球化下的跨國移民角度來討論山下•凱倫 (Karen Tei Yamashita) 《橘子回歸線》(Tropic of Orange, 1997) 一書中跨國移民所遭遇的文化身分衝擊和新自由主義政策 (NAFTA) 的經濟壓迫。在論文的第一章中,我討論全球化的負面影響 (如西方資本主義剝削、文化多樣性、環境不正義、資源分配不均、毒物污染等等),而且我也討論小說中的七個角色在跨國移動的過程中所面臨的全球化問題對自身產生的影響和各自面對問題的態度。本文以妲欣嬁(Janine Dahinden) 的跨國類型視角來分析這七個角色的身分建構。第二章以城市漫遊者巴茲翁 (Buzzworm) 的角度來分析美墨簽訂的新自由主義政策所引發的社會問題和跨國移民居住不正義的遭遇,尤其是新自由主義政策的簽訂揭露出政府優先保障的貿易對象是跨國企業的利益而非國家的社會福利、勞工的權利,和人類居住的環境。第三章探討山下•凱倫的寫作技巧。不同於其他的全球化學者以文化、經濟,和政治面向來分析全球化問題,山下以特殊的寫作手法:七天、七個章節、七個有跨國移動經驗的角色面向,彼此交錯出一張如同交響樂樂章的「多向文脈」 (HyperContexts) 來呈現全球化的問題。另外,小說標題中的橘子 (Orange) 所代表的意象有三個:回歸祖國 (returning to the origin)、風險的流動 (mobility of global risk)、生態區域主義概念 (bioregional perspective) 。最後,本論文強調人類、都市建築與自然環境的三者需要互相支持,才能消弭三者的衝突,達到和諧共生的理念。


Viewing Karen Tei Yamashita’s Tropic of Orange (1997) from perspectives of transnational and diasporic groups, this thesis attempts to point out that the transnational and diasporic groups encounter the conflict of cultural identity and the compression of the neo-liberal economic policy (NAFTA) under the impacts of globalization. This thesis starts with the problems of globalization (such as exploitation of the enterprises, cultural diversity, environmental justice, global economic policies and inequalities, and toxic pollution), and discusses how the impacts of globalization influence the identity formation of seven characters and how they respond to those impacts in their unique way. Furthermore, this chapter discusses the formation of identity of the seven characters in the light of transnational and diasporic discourse and uses Janine Dahinden’s classification to analyze the dimensions of mobility and locality of transnational migrants to talk about the seven characters’ circumstances. In the second chapter, this thesis focuses on Buzzworm’s perspective to talk about the problems of uneven distribution of resources, toxic pollution, and environmental injustice, which either result from or are accelerated by NAFTA. The fact is that the purpose of signing NAFTA is to protect profits of cooperation but not the profits of public welfare, laborers’ rights, and human living environment. In the third chapter, this thesis focuses on Yamashita’s unique presentation of the problems of globalization, and her special perspective on its cause and effect. In general, most scholars, in criticizing the problems of globalization, focus on discussing the efficiency of economic profits and the exploitation of enterprises. Yamashita shifts the focus from economic concerns to other social and cultural factors. And she presents multiple perspectives from the focalizers like NGOs, reporters, laborers, and the hobos who suffer from the uneven developments of globalization. Yamashita provides a chart of “Hypercontexts” to suggest the interconnection among the 7 characters in the 7 days. The “hypercontexts” chart works as a map for the reading of the intertwined storylines. This chapter starts with Yamashita’s 7 perspectives on problems of globalization, and infers her perspective on problems of globalization which are akin to the concept of bioregionalism in that local communities make their efforts at social change and ecological restoration through regional and interregional networking. On the other hand, the multiple significances of the image of orange are associated with different problems and issues depicted in the beginning, the middle, and the ending of the novel: “returning to the origin,” “mobility of global risk,” and a “bioregional perspective.” This thesis will analyze three major implications of orange separated in three chapters. To sum up, this thesis will conclude in a symbiosis of human, urban infrastructure, and natural environment, to demonstrate that the construction of a living building that processes the master plan of structure and natural environment could eliminate the conflicts between human, urban infrastructure, and natural environment and could reach the harmony of symbiosis.


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Hsiao-ching Li, Florence. “Imagining the Mother/Motherland: Karen Tei Yamashita’s Tropic of Orange and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 30.1 (Jan 2004): 149-67. Print.
Allen, John, Doreen Massey, and Michael Pryke, eds. Unsettling Cities. New York:
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