  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Influence on Regional Security of Aircraft Carrier Development by the Communist Party of China

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 郭展禮(Chan-Li Kuo)


中共建政以來,海洋戰略隨著政經策略與全球局勢發展歷經多次轉變。中共海軍從向蘇俄學習軍事戰略與技術,在近岸防禦時期,武器科技由購買到仿製邁向自主研發。歷經1980年代全力發展經濟,讓中共有能力將近岸防禦延伸到積極鞏固近海權利與維護遠洋利益。 中共首艘航母「遼寧號」試航成功,實踐朝向藍海發展的里程碑。「遼寧號」作為中共航母艦隊發展的起點,現階段的巡航訓練任務具有為中共未來建置新航母艦隊群發展的範本;以及為未來中共藉由在全球部署航母,深化國際影響力和突破區域戰略圍堵作準備。 隨著中共航母發展與確保領海主權及利益、強化國際地位的意圖越強烈,周邊國家感受到的安全威脅與區域衝突事件就越頻繁。即使中共一再宣稱其海洋發展不會妨礙與威脅區域和平,只會有利於全球和平穩定。然而,中共與周邊國家重疊海域的爭議、南海衝突加劇、美國強勢介入亞太事務等都是亞太區域現況的寫照。中共未來持續發展航母與拓展海權的戰略意圖是不可忽略的事實,隨著中共航母的發展及運用航母「威懾力」,將直接衝擊國際局勢,以及對台灣及周邊區域安全形成影響。


航空母艦 區域安全 海權


Since the establishment of the Communist Party of China (CPC) as the ruling regime, China’s naval strategy has undergone many changes that are in line with developments in political and economic policies as well as global trends. The CPC Navy mastered the military strategies and technology of the former Soviet Union by purchasing and imitating their weapons technology during the coastal defense period. They eventually embarked on independent research and development. Due to vigorous economic development throughout the 1980s, the CPC had the ability to extend their coastal defenses to actively consolidate inshore rights and safeguard offshore interests. The successful sea trial of the first CPC aircraft carrier, “Liaoning,” was a major milestone in Chinese naval development. As “Liaoning” was the starting point for the development of China’s aircraft carrier fleet, its current phase of cruising training missions will be a model for establishing future aircraft carrier fleets. It also marks the beginning of the global deployment of CPC aircraft carriers aimed at deepening international influence and preparing for breakthroughs in military containment. As the CPC continues to develop their aircraft carriers and strengthen their international status, along with their growing intention to ensure territorial sovereignty and interests, the security threats and regional conflicts experienced by neighboring countries will increase in frequency. The CPC has repeatedly announced that its marine development is not intended to disrupt or threaten regional peace, and is only intended to benefit global peace and stability. However, the multiple territorial disputes with neighboring countries, the intensification of the South China Sea conflict, and the strong involvement of the USA in Asia-Pacific affairs are representative of the current status in Asia-Pacific. The strategic intent of the CPC to continue developing aircraft carriers and to expand its marine influence in the future is no longer a deniable fact. The development and application of a CPC aircraft carrier fleet will directly impact the international situation and influence the security of Taiwan and surrounding regions.


Aircraft Carrier Regional Security Sea Power


2.區肇威,中共航空母艦發展 (臺北:私立淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文,2011年6月)。
1.王承中,近代中國海軍建軍之比較:清末海軍與現代解放軍海軍 (臺北:私立淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文,2013年6月)。
4.蘇冠強,北京廿十一世紀南海戰略 (臺北:私立淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文,2012年6月)。
