  • 學位論文


The Post-Millennium Rainbow Generation: The Culture Experiences of Taipei Gay Bars 2005 to 2018

指導教授 : 楊明昱


男同志酒吧文化的特殊性,在臺灣目前的社會環境中,佔有相當重要的隱含意義。近年來,臺灣社會面臨著婚姻平權的議題不斷圍繞,LGBT等群體的生活權益逐漸受到重視。研究者以個人的同志身份,針對男同志文化中的特殊性進行探究分析。 本研究以臺北市男同志酒吧作為主要的研究環境,通過體驗男同志酒吧文化的受訪者,作為研究男同志酒吧文化的重要依據。並以研究者的參與觀察過程,將兩種研究方法合併分析,藉由過去文獻以及學者們的論述,加以探究男同志酒吧文化的重要性。 研究結果發現,男同志文化中的空間,在不同時代環境中,所代表的空間意義隨著時間推移,而有所改變,不僅僅是受到臺灣政治狀態的影響,更多的是社會道德與法律價值的觀念衝擊。男同志酒吧所代表的空間意義,藉由靜態意義傳播理論,可以發現在華人社會中,臺北市男同志酒吧在時代改變的進程中,對於全球華人同志所衍生的意義,更代表著臺灣同志族群不斷爭取認同及法律保護的價值意義。


The particularity of gay bar culture in Taiwan’s modern society represents an important subject of the hidden agendas. In recent years, Taiwan’s civil society deeps down in the discussion circle of marriage equal rights. Therefore, LGBT community’s living rights are getting attention. The research is mainly based on the interviewees’ real-life experiences in Taipei gay bars, combining with author’s homosexual prospective to analyze the particularity of gay culture. Referring to the past literature and the scholars’ discussion to further study the importance of gay bar culture. The research result shows the meaning of “space” in gay culture it changes as time goes by in different eras and in different environments. It is not only influenced by the Taiwan political status, also, most likely it is the shock of society morality and legislation value.The meaning of “space”, which gay bar represents by the static meaning propagation theory, it can be found in Chinese society, globally. Taipei gay bars play a significant role to Chinese homosexual around the world during the changes of the times. Moreover, it represents the value of Taiwan LGBT has been fighting for equal social identity and the qual legal protection.


gay homosexual gay culture queer theory gay bars


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