  • 學位論文

宗教信仰變遷對部落組織與空間的影響 ─以llyung Klesan 的Rgayung部落為例

The effects on organization and space throng religion changes – A case study on “Rgayung”, Llyung Klesan

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


Rgayung是一個多社群組成的泰雅族部落,雖然內部的社會組織與文化習俗在日治時期已遭受破壞,但在1945年後初期,Rgayung出現積極恢復原本社會組織和復辦Sm’atu(祖靈祭)的過程。然而在1950年後,基督長老教會被引進,Rgayung的社會組織、祭典儀式和Gaga律法等,逐漸被轉化或取代甚至消失。當年禮拜堂的出現,開始象徵著Ragyung部落新的信仰核心之外,在當時也是教育、政治和集會的場所。近年來禮拜場所也增加到五、六間,且功能也只剩下宗教集會之用。除此之外,在台灣原住民族的許多部落都在以不同方式振興部落傳統祭典、恢復原本組織和建築空間,使其部落能連結過去和土地,自主性的發展部落光觀、產業以及文化傳承等目的。反觀Rgayung部落,為何只有「聖誕節」?基督長老宗教的泰雅爾中會為何只重視泰雅族文化中的「語言問題」?為何一個部落存在兩個長老教會和多個教派的教會? 本研究目的在於,尋找Rgayung部落宗教信仰變遷中的行為與認知,以及部分族人復辦Sm’atu(祖靈祭)的目的。並從Rgayung部落信仰組織和相關的部落建築空間來探討其對Rgayung部落的影響。 本研究透過文獻分析、訪談以及參與觀察和測繪的相互印證,將這些方法分成以下三個階段進行: 1.範圍從llyung Klesan(南澳群)往回看Rgayung;時間從Rgayung的形成到1950年基督長老教會被引進,再到2013年澳花國小復辦傳統祭典來研究與觀察。 2.透過現場測繪來分析活動行為與建築空間的關係。 3.整理宗教信仰變遷中,Rgayung部落的組織、成員、祭典(節日)、行為、建築、空間以及不同時期的比較。 因此,本研究發現如下: 1.多社群組成的Rgayung部落,難形成共識的狀態也反映在多宗教教派的建立上。 2.在Rgayung部落,傳統信仰與新信仰,產生了各自所需的建築與空間,反映著不同的功能與宇宙觀。 3.在振興Sm’atu(祖靈祭)時,尚缺乏建築與空間與流程上的嚴謹性。


“Rgayung” is an Atayal tribal which is composed by many communities.Soon after 1945, a series of recovering procedure were to have the original social organization and ‘Sm’atu’ retrieved. However after 1950, with the introduction of Presbyterian Church, the social organization, ritual and “Gaga” were transformed, replaced and even disappeared. The appeared of the church symbolized not only the new core of beliefs but also the place where functions education, politics and gathering. Besides, a majority of indigenous people in Taiwan are revitalizing the traditional festivals and recovering the original organization, architectural space via many ways in order to achieve the goals of develop tribal tourism, and inheritance culture. In contrast Rgayung tribe, why only "Christmas"? Why Presbyterian religion Taiyaer only pay attention to "language problems" of Atayal culture? Why a tribe has two Presbyterian Church and the Church there are two more religious group ? The purposes of this study are not only to seek the changes in religious behavior recognition in ‘Rgayung’ but also purposes of the tribal people to to recovery “Sm’atu”. Further, to discuss the influences on ‘Rgayung’ through faith-based organizations and architectural spaces in this tribal. The research methods of this study are literature analysis, interviews and participant observations with following steps: 1. Ranging from ‘llyung Klesan’ to ‘Rgayung’; timing from 1950 to 2013. 2. Through site mapping to analyze the relationship between behavior and architectural space activities. 3. Comparing the difference between differ period of time within the organizations, members, architectural spaces. Thus, this study found that: 1.The status of difficult to form a consensus is also reflected in the multi-religious village. 2.Traditional beliefs and new beliefs, resulting in their architecture and space needed to reflect the different functions and cosmology 3.In the meanwhile to recovery “Sm’atu”, lacking the rigor in the process architecture and space.


