  • 學位論文


Revolution of the defense policy and integration of the 3rd Generation Air Force in Singapore: An Analysis from Strategy of Action

指導教授 : 施正權


新加坡於建國初期,面對多方困難與挑戰,新加坡武裝部隊成立初期,戰力形成困難。時任新加坡總理李光耀除向以色列求助建立陸軍外,另向我國提出請求,希望能提供場地與人員協助新加坡軍隊訓練,以分散軍隊訓練風險。就其建軍史觀察,其外在政治環境尚稱穩定,然領導者能隨時因應外部環境改變,適時調整軍隊組織型態並加以興革。故長期觀察加坡建軍史,其所陸續從事軍事變革及改組作為:建軍目標是恆定不變地,其武裝部隊成立之目標係為確保國家穩定,作為國家建設及社會安全之基石;而國防(軍事)戰略卻可因應國際及周邊情勢變化而適時調整,以隨時因應國際局勢轉變。本論文運用薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論,分析新加坡在總體戰略指導下,如何建構國防武力,並使武裝部隊完成建軍規劃與兵力整建,以政治及戰略診斷方式據以分析其利弊得失及未來展望。 本論文除緒論與結論外,內容區分為四章。各章概要說明如下: 第一章:新加坡國際環境安全局勢變化,針對新加坡周邊國家及區域組織等外交環境暨安全情勢研析,勾勒並還原新加坡外部環境變遷,其變數如何影響新加坡國防決策。 第二章:本章各節將以各面向探討新加坡國家安全政策,進而瞭解國家安全政策所引導之新加坡國防戰略。 第三章:探究新加坡國防政策沿革及形塑,運用「全面防衛」政策方式強化國防力量;另探討新加坡所面臨之外部戰略環境(與外軍之軍事交流)及困境,如何影響新加坡之國防政策。 第四章:將延續前章節國防政策探討,探究武裝部隊與空軍之構建與進程。另將針對新加坡與周邊國家空軍戰力判斷的研討,並對空軍因應武裝部隊新作戰型態--非戰爭軍事行動(MOOTW),所執行組織變革及裝備採購之作為,進而有助於評估新加坡「第三代空軍」作戰能力與未來展望。


Republic of Singapore had faced multiple challenges and difficulties during the initial stage of independence and it was difficult to build armed forces with sufficient combat capabilities. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the former Prime Minister of Singapore, not only sought for assistance from Israel to build Army but also requested Republic of China (Taiwan) to provide assistance of personnel and field for military training to reduce the training risk of Singapore Armed Forces. The external political environments of Singapore Armed Forces were stable and the organizational structures were adjusted and improved by leaderships to deal with the changes of external environments. The various measures of military reformation and organizational development observed in the building history of Singapore Armed Forces indicated that the permanent mission of armed forces was to maintain the national stability and to be the foundation of national development and security. However, the defense and military strategies were adjusted timely to accommodate the changes of international environment. The theory of André Beaufre, Strategy of Action, was applied in this study to analyze the approaches of national defense development and the armed forces reformation and rebuilding plan under the total strategic guideline of Republic of Singapore. The political and strategic mechanisms are utilized to analyze the prospects, advantages and disadvantages. Four chapters, except the introduction and conclusion, are carefully compiled in this study. The brief outlines of chapter one is the changes of international environment and security affairs of Singapore to study the diplomatic and security effects caused by the neighbor countries and regional organizations and figure out the effects of external environments upon the decision making of Singapore defense policy. The national security policies of Singapore are discussed in multiple dimensions to learn the national defense strategies in chapter two. The developments and changes of Singapore’s defense policy are interpreted in chapter three. The defense power is strengthened by applying the policy of total defense. The external strategic environments and difficulties faced by Singapore and the effects upon the national defense policy are probed into as well. The study in chapter four follows the former chapter about the national defense policy to look into the building progress of armed forces and air force. The organizational structure developments and weapon system procurements of Singapore Air Force leaded by the new type of warfare, Military Operation other than War (MOOTW), and the comparison of air capability between Singapore and neighbor countries are also researched and analyzed. This study could be a helpful assessment reference for the research of combat capability and prospect of the 3rd generation of Singapore Air Force.


Singapore Lee Kuan Yew Malaysia Indonisia Mindef 3rd Generation RSAF


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