  • 學位論文


The Study Of Japanese Ritual―Focus On Nihon-shoki―

指導教授 : 劉長輝


神道是日本最早的宗教思想,在世界上也是很特別的存在。它不但代表日本的中心思想,也和日本的祭祀文化有著密切的關係。   本論文以日本最古老的歷史書『日本書紀』作為研究對象,其目的在於研究『日本書紀』裡所記載的祭祀儀式及其意義。首先將『日本書紀』中與祭祀相關的場面截取出來,並分成三大章。第一章為日本神話,故事的內容為日本國土生成至日本初代天皇神武天皇的誕生。神話是以神為中心所構成,也是日本神道的發源。本章當中不論是祭祀者或是被祭祀者都以神為主軸,故由此可以窺探神與神之間的關係,以及皇祖神天照大神的神格變化。第二章為傳說的人皇史,故事以人皇為中心,並加入神的角色。雖以人為中心,但神依舊占了相當重要的位置。在祭祀中,人依照神的指示,扮演著執行的角色。第三章為歷史的人皇史,正式進入完全以人皇作為核心的故事。由於佛教於欽明天皇的時期傳入,衝擊了日本固有的唯一信仰-神道,更影響了日本的祭祀方式。     透過上述的內容,可以了解到祭祀權的轉移。在神話的部分中,祭祀權由神所執掌,彼此有不同的定位區別。直到人的出現,即便祭祀權最初仍掌握在神的手中,但是隨著外來宗教的介入,人開始有了宗教的選擇權,提升了在宗教中的重要性,最終獲得了祭祀權。


Shinto, the earliest religious thought in Japan, exists in the world in an exceptional way. Shinto not only represents the essence of thoughts in Japan, but maintains a close relationship with Japan’s worship culture.   In this paper, Nihonshoki– the earliest history book of Japan – was studied with emphasis on the sacrificial ceremonies stated in Nihonshoki as well as the meaning of the ceremonies. Firstly, worship-related scenes were chosen from Nihonshoki and divided into three chapters for discussion. Chapter 1 relates to Japanese mythology, starting from the formation of Japan’s territory until the birth of Emperor Jimmu – the first emperor of Japan. Mythology was created with gods as center, and was the origin of Shinto. In this chapter, both ritual performers and sacrifices regarded gods as their guides. The mythology helped us pry into the relationships between different gods and to understand how imperial ancestors changed themselves in accordance with the heavenly gods’ divinity. Chapter 2 relates to the history of human emperors based on legend. The stories centered on human emperors while gods played certain roles. Although humans were treated as the center of the stories, gods still had an important position. Humans acted as performers under the gods’ instructions. Chapter 3 relates to the human emperor recorded in the history, and describes the stories that totally center on human emperors. Buddhism was brought to Japan in Emperor Kimmei’s era, striking Japan’s only religious belief, Shinto, as well as Japan’s worship process.   The descriptions stated above helped us understand how the worship right was transferred. According to the mythology, the worship right was controlled by the gods, different gods having different positions. When humans appeared, the gods were still in control of the worship right. With the intervention of outside religions, however, humans started to choose religions, and with the right to choose, humans became more important in religious affairs and eventually obtained the worship right.


Nihonshoki Japanese mythology Worship Emperor Shinto


森浩一 (2005)『日本神話の考古学』朝日新聞社
久保田収 (1959)『中世神道の研究』新生製本株式会社
三谷栄一 (1974)『日本神話の基盤』塙書房
坂本太郎、家永三郎、井上光貞、大野晋 (1977)『日本古典文学大系67 日本書紀上』株式会社岩田書店
