  • 學位論文


The qualitative study of consumer’s experiential journey-An example of Korean idol “Girls’ Generation”

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


隨著體驗經濟來臨,消費者想要的是更觸動心靈、更貼近生活的事物,消費者從而轉變成兼具理性與感性的決策者,也傾向經歷美好經驗的過程。現今這麼多的偶像出現在消費者面前,如何能吸引這些有思想、情感、精神與行動的犀利消費者,若能進一步了解消費者如何形成體驗的過程及產生的價值感,將會在日後價值交換的過程中創造出企業與消費者雙方更大的滿足與經濟效應。 本研究從體驗觀點切入,以焦點團體訪談法結合體驗動機、體驗媒介、體驗形式、體驗價值等學說作為研究的觀念架構,並以半結構式的訪談指引,由同樣喜愛少女時代團體的眾人共同分享他們的體驗旅程。 研究結果發現(一) 體驗動機為美感的訪談者會透過電子媒體及演唱會的體驗媒介,引發行動的體驗形式,並產生趣味性的體驗價值。(二) 體驗動機為教育的訪談者會透過周邊產品、網路及演唱會的體驗媒介,引發感官、思考及行動的體驗形式,進而產生美感和趣味性的體驗價值。(三) 體驗動機為逃避現實的訪談者會透過周邊產品、網路及演唱會的體驗媒介,引發行動體驗形式,並產生美感和趣味性的體驗價值。(四) 體驗動機為娛樂的訪談者會透過網路、親友及演唱會的體驗媒介,引發情感、思考、行動、關聯的體驗形式,進而產生消費者投資報酬、心靈的體驗價值。(五) 消費者得到體驗價值之後,會因為所產生的這個價值更想去探索,因此又產生另外的體驗動機,透過體驗媒介,引發體驗形式和體驗價值,因此不斷循環,此為消費者形成體驗旅程的過程(六) 「演唱會」為整個體驗過程的極致。(七) UGC在每個階段都扮演著「催化劑」的角色,驅動著下個體驗階段。


As the experience economic age comes, consumers need things that touch their hearts and close to their lives even more than ever. They become to a decision maker combines with rational and emotional thought.They also prefer to experience a wonderful process. Nowadays, so many idols on the stage, how to attract these intelligent, emotional, energetic and active consumer become very important. It will make more benefits and satisfaction for both sides of enterprise and consumer in the future if we understand the process of experience forming and experimental values from the consumer. Based on the point of view of experience, the research use focus group interview combines theories of experience motivation, experiential providers, experience behavior and experimental values. Guiding with the semi-structured interview, we invite people who all love Girls’ Generation come to the interview. With their sharing, we can understand their experiential journey thoroughly. Conclusions of this research are summarized as following: 1. The interviewer whose experience motivation is esthetic will through broadcast and music concert, causing the experience behavior of act then comes out the experimental values of the playfulness. 2. The interviewer whose experience motivation is education will through the peripheral products, internet and music concert, causing the experience behavior of sense, think, and act then comes out the experimental values of the playfulness and aesthetics. 3. The interviewer whose experience motivation is escapist will through peripheral products, internet and music concert, causing the experience behavior of act then comes out the experimental values of the playfulness and aesthetics. 4. The interviewer whose experience motivation is entertainment will through the internet, relatives & friends and music concert, causing the experience behavior of feel, think, act, relate then comes out the experimental values of the consumer return on investment and spirituality. 5. After the consumer acquired the experimental values, he would like to explore the journey even more because of the values he got. Therefore, another experience motivation is evoked and through experiential providers, causing experience behavior then comes out the experimental values. Hence, it circulates constantly. This is the experiential journey process of consumer. 6. “ Music concert” is the acme of the whole experiential journey. 7. UGC plays the role of “activator” in every step and drive the next step comes.


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