  • 學位論文


Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in the cross strait

指導教授 : 趙春山


中國大陸改革開放3 0年以來,在經濟成長與產業發展上,獲得令人刮目相看的成就。隨著中國的崛起與國力的大幅提升,中國大陸逐漸改變鄧小平時代韜光養晦的外交思維,對於國際事務的參與度與影響力與日劇增。在全球化的趨勢下2011年是非常關鍵且重要的一年,不僅僅是大陸「十二五」規劃啟關之年的第一年,也是台灣黃金十年的肇始年,更是兩岸洽簽經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)後滿一年。綜觀兩岸關係發展至今,已有六十多個年頭,然而近年來兩岸關係的改變,可說是遠遠超越了過去的十年總和。如今,大陸在經濟成長與產業發展上,獲得令人刮目相看的成就。隨著兩岸關係的發展,兩岸在各方面的合作範圍更廣、更深入,因兩岸積極洽簽ECFA之際正逢全球金融風暴,國內失業率急速攀高時,故簽署ECFA對國內就業市場的影響備受社會各界關注。 本研究主要為因應全球區域經濟整合趨勢,維持台灣在中國大陸的經貿優勢,並排除與其他國家或地區簽署自由貿易協定的障礙。兩岸於2010年6月簽署海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),雖然ECFA早期收穫計畫大多自2011才開始實施,而且兩岸尚未談判的貨品品項與服務貿易的項目,遠遠超過早期收穫計畫的涵蓋範圍,因此難以用實際數據來論斷ECFA對台灣的影響;然而從過去兩岸經貿互動的經驗來看,台灣政府應該如何及早因應傳產及弱勢產業的保障,以避免國內結構性失業問題更加嚴重,尤其該如何有效降低ECFA的負面衝擊,強化正面經濟效益,即為本文研究之方向。 儘管在任何貿易自由化的過程當中皆有利弊得失,然ECFA不是萬靈丹也非特效藥,但經濟理論告訴我們,貿易自由化能促進資源有效分配,降低貿易障礙,對雙方皆有經濟效益的提升。最後,以如何兼顧台灣主權與全體人民經貿利益下,走出台灣的未來,做為本論文之總結。


After the 30th anniversary of reform and opening, the mainland of China makes achievements in economic growth and business development. It knocks the socks off other countries. The diplomacy thought of Deng Xiaoping has been changed. China has more influence in international affairs and takes part in the world. In the trend of globalization, 2011 was a critical and important year. 2011 was not only the first year of China's 12th five-year plan, but also first year of golden decade of Taiwan. 2011 was also the second year after the cross-strait signed ECFA. There are more than 60 years about the development of cross-strait relation. But the change in recent years has been much more than the past decade. Nowadays, China gets good grades in economic growth and business development. Everyone looks China with new eyes. With the relation development, cross-strait gets cooperation in various areas. Because of the financial storm and high unemployment rate, the job market’s influence of ECFA in Taiwan is concerned by society. This research mainly responses to the global and regional integration trends, keeps the trading advantage of Taiwan and excludes other countries or regions to sign a free trade agreement. Strait signed an economic cooperation framework agreement, ECFA, in June 2010. ECFA early harvest program was implemented in 2011. The cross-strait have not negotiated yet about the commodity items and the trade in services of ECFA. It will overstep the range of ECFA early harvest program. Because of that, it is hardly using the real data to predict the influence to Taiwan. From experiences, the government of Taiwan should do something to protect the traditional and weak industries and to avoid the problem of unemployment. How to lower the negative impact of ECFA and intensify the economic benefits is the research direction of this paper. Nevertheless, any trade liberalization has advantages and disadvantages. ECFA is not a panacea or a miracle drug. But the economic theory tell us that trade liberalization can promote the efficient allocation of resources and lower the gap of commercial trade. It will upgrade the economic benefits on both side. Finally, we try to find the way to protect the sovereignty of Taiwan, raise trade interests, and get the future of Taiwan. This is the summary of the paper.


國家政策研究基金會 http://www.npf.org.tw/
經濟部國際貿易局經貿資訊網 http://www.trade.gov.tw/


