  • 學位論文


A Study on Building Cost and Competitive Strategy of Solar Cell Production - A Case Study on Company T

指導教授 : 林志鴻
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


本研究即針對一特定太陽能電池製造商作為個案研究對象,採用Lin and Pao(2004)提出之策略管理架構,以探討個案公司在公司之使命陳述下,面對內外部環境及總體環境所擁有的優勢,歸納出能執行之經營競爭策略,並檢視是否能完成公司使命。透過國內外相關文獻、個案公司內部資料的蒐集,分析企業在太陽能產業經營微利化、獲利空間縮小的時空背景下,策略形成之重要相關因素。經本研究歸納之結論如下: 一、綜合文獻及市場資訊的蒐集,評估了內部、外部及總體環境的相關因素後,總結出個案公司策略形成的重要因素為:在內部環境部份「專業的經營與生產團隊」,外部產業環境部份「高效能優質產品」,總體環境部份「全球暖化及環保議題」,透過所擁有的優勢,個案公司得已以「以有效的預算管理,控制生產成本」做為最佳的競爭策略,以完成個案公司成為全球前十大太陽能電池製造商的使命。 二、在個案公司之使命下,評估內部、外部及總體環境中之優勢及機會後,分析個案公司依其最佳競爭策略,可以有效利用最低建置成本,快速擴張規模,以完成其企業使命。


With a specific solar cell manufacturer as the research subject, this study adopted the strategic management structure proposed by Lin and Pao (2004) to analyze the case company under its mission statement, summarize a feasible competitive strategy based on all its advantages in internal and external environments as well as the macro environment and review whether the company is capable of accomplishing the mission. By collecting related literatures home and abroad and internal data of the case company, the study analyzed the important elements that affect the strategy formation under the background of meager profit and smaller profit margin in solar energy industry, and came to the following conclusions: 1. According to the literatures and market information collected, the study summed up the important elements in strategy formation after evaluating internal and external environments as well as the macro environment, which are professional operation and production team in internal environment, efficient and high-quality products in external environment and the issue of global warming and environmental protection in macro environment. Based on the abovementioned advantages, the case company was allowed to adopt the “efficient budget management to control production cost” as the best competitive strategy so as to accomplish the mission of becoming one of the top ten solar cell manufactures in the world. 2. In light of the company’s mission, the study assessed the advantages and opportunities in internal and external environments as well as the macro environment, and found out that the case company can rapidly expand its business scale with the least construction costs by means of the best competitive strategy and therefore accomplish its mission.


何孟穎(2011),黑夜將盡-從Solar Taiwan 2011國際研討會看太陽能產業趨勢,光連雙月刊,No.94,頁15-18。
European Photovoltaic Industry Association網站(2012):http://www.epia.org/
