  • 學位論文


The Study of An Psychological Impacts of M&As in the Financial Institutions – Example of A Bank

指導教授 : 林江峰


金融機構合併除可直接擴展營業據點外,亦可直接透過精簡人事、減少支出等方式,降低營運成本,快速擴充資本,擴大市場占有率。惟合併後人事精簡與營業場所裁併,將直接衝擊到員工的生計問題,處理不當,對營運上將產生負面影響。而且,若合併經營理念差異性頗大的金融機構,有時亦會影響合併的綜效。基此,事前宜妥善做好完整的調查工作,對人力資源與企業文化通盤瞭解,再進行合併,才可降低合併後失敗機率。在諸多合併案例中未能達原期待成效,多因雙方事前只著重於財務調查,忽略文化差異與員工心裡感受,導致很多合併案留不住具有移動能力的員工,以致生產力下降,影響後續市場競爭力與營運績效。 因此,為瞭解金融機構在合併過程中,兩邊機構員工對於新組織的感受與期待,本研究蒐集相關文獻資料與訪談機構人事主管,惟基於研究篇幅與員工感受程度輕重,僅對於被併購機構員工深入訪談與思維分析。同時,以A銀行為主要研究對象,期待能有較為整體與深度之分析,提供未來金融機構合併案主事者參考,俾利我國金融產業合併後體質更為健全,留住更多優秀員工,提昇本國金融機構之國際競爭力。 因此,為瞭解金融機構在合併過程中,兩邊機構員工對於新組織的感受與期待,本研究蒐集相關文獻資料與訪談機構人事主管,惟基於研究篇幅與員工感受程度輕重,僅對於被併購機構員工深入訪談與思維分析。同時,以A銀行為主要研究對象,期待能有較為整體與深度之分析,提供未來金融機構合併案主事者參考,俾利我國金融產業合併後體質更為健全,留住更多優秀員工,提昇本國金融機構之國際競爭力。


金融 併購 銀行 員工思維


For financial institutions, M&A is a good way to improve operational effectiveness, strengthen financial capital, and to accelerate the pace of market expansion. However, for the acquired parties in M&As, the potential loss of career security for employees, coupled with the consolidation often turn out to be the sources of turmoil in the transition period. Given the challenges, there has been numerous M&As that ultimately failed as a consequence of lacking proper human resource strategy in place. Drawing on the past lessons, it’s imperative that the process of M&A due diligence should not solely consider financial factors. Thorough understanding of the cultural and organizational impacts from the M&A need also be incorporated so that the potential issues of human capital can be diagnosed and resolved in early stage. This study intends to reveal how might people (at the acquired financial institutions) think and feel toward M&As. With interview approaches, the research is designed to collect views from HR executives of one of the acquired institutions selected from recent M&A cases in Taiwan’s financial industry. Only the acquired institutions are included as the target of research since they are the most affected groups in the process of consolidations. It’s hoped that the study would enhance understandings about the roles of psychological factors in M&As, and thereby gives insights into the effective human capital strategy that might lead up to win-win solutions for parties involved in M&As.


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