  • 學位論文


Marketing Strategies of Taipei Private Junior High Schools and Affected Factors of Parent’s School Selection

指導教授 : 楊朝祥


本研究旨在探討私立國民中學學校行銷策略對家長選校成因影響,藉由「文獻分析」與「半結構式訪談」蒐集研究資料,探討私立國民中學學校行銷策略的現況與家長選校的成因。 本研究以台北市四所私立國民中學為訪談對象,針對學校行政人員與七年級學生之家長進行訪談,藉以瞭解各校行銷策略與家長選校的成因,獲致下列結論: 壹、私立國民中學學校行銷現況 學校行銷對象以家長、學生為主,行政人員大多有行銷的觀念,但學校普遍未成立負責行銷專職單位。 貳、私立國民中學學校行銷策略內涵與實施重點 私立國民中學在學校行銷策略上重視課程的設計、教師的專業成長,並會提供課後輔導制度與社團活動,而在推廣上學校則會善用各種媒體管道,達到宣傳學校效果,此外,學校也會透過與社區合辦活動,提升社區大眾對學校的認同度,學費收取標準則是以教育局訂定為主。 參、私立國民中學學校行銷策略對家長選校成因影響 家長在選校時較重視學校課程安排與學校升學率,而有特色的學校及學校的口碑對家長選校也是重要的影響因素。此外家長除了重視教師的專業能力外,更重視教師的身教言行;家長並藉由參與學校社區活動來更深入瞭解學校,再者,家長重視學費支出與學生學習所得相符。 肆、學校行政人員與家長對學校行銷策略看法之差異 學校行政人員與家長對學校行銷策略看法之差異不大。在學校產品行銷策略上,學校行政人員與家長皆重視學校特色課程、升學率與品德教育的養成;在價格策略上,學校提供課後輔導班與社團活動,家長對此深感滿意;在推廣策略上,家長重視學校參與社區活動,但學校行政人員較重視與國外的交流;在人員策略上,學校行政人員較重視教師的專業與成長,家長則較重視教師的身教言行。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the marketing strategies used by private junior high schools in Taipei City and the factors which affected parent’s school selection. A semi-structured interview was used to collect needed data. This study selected administrators and parents of seven-grade student from four private junior high schools in Taipei City as interview subjects. One administrator and two parents from each school were selected and participated in this study. The major conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: A. The current situation of marketing in private junior high schools Most of administrative staff had the sense of marketing which focused on parents and students as their target population. However, schools generally did not establish an engrossed marketing office. B. The intension and implementation of marketing strategies in private junior high schools Private junior high schools used mass media to publicize special characters, such as, the design of the courses, the growth of teacher’s professional knowledge and skills and the supply of after-school counseling and extra curriculum, of their own schools. Besides, through all kinds of community services and activities, schools were able to increase recognition in the community. Standard tuition was decided by Department of Education, however, additional charge maybe applied based on school’s special educational features. C. Affected Factors of Parent’s School Selection Parents made their school selecting decision for their children based on curriculum plans and school’s senior high school enrolment rate. Moreover, the specialty and reputation of a junior high school also affected parent’s decision making of school selection. Besides, parents paid more attention to teacher’s professional competence and the characteristics of role model. Parents learned more about school by joining school’s community activities. Furthermore, parents cared about if it’s contributed equally in terms of how much their children learn and how much they pay for. D. The differences between school administrative staff’s and parent’s point of view regarding marketing strategies The difference between school administrative staff’s and parent’s opinions regarding marketing strategies was not enormous. In product strategy, both administrative staff and parents valued the development of schools’ featured courses, senior high school enrolment rate, and moral education. In pricing strategy, parents were satisfied with after-school counseling and extra curriculum that were provided by school. In promotion strategy, parents cared about school’s interaction with communities but administrative staff cared more about international exchange programs. In personnel strategy, parents paid more attention teacher’s characteristics of role model when administrative staff cared more about teacher’s professional development.




