  • 學位論文


The Construction of Kinetic Surfaces

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 陸金雄


建築皮層的形式歷經了許多世代的演化,從厚重的石砌牆體到輕盈的帷幕牆,在研究過程中發現新物質與新材料應用的知識,慢慢解放了傳統牆體承重的歷史任務,邁向表面系統的自由與多樣性。資訊蓬勃發展的數位時代,精確的電腦輔助設計與製造技術,讓設計者聚焦於「超表面」的建築設計議題當中,創作出更多元的表面形式。 本研究透過電腦動畫模擬做為設計操作與思考的工具,嘗試來討論可動的有機建築表面的可能,並以類型學的分析討論可動表面形式的發展,並透過數位製造的技術思考可動表面之構築,將有機動態的表面由概念、思考、模擬、製造到組裝成型,探討運用數位技術發展建築可動表面的可能性。 在發展過程中透過數位軟體製作出波表面的動畫模擬,將運動的表面波轉換成為機械動態表面波模擬,運用機械動態表面波裝置的模擬經驗,產生出實體的動態表面波裝置,製作出波牆裝置、機械葉片牆裝置、動力機械葉片牆裝置以及複式中空機械葉片牆等的動態表面波裝置。 從裝置的概念發展到製成成品的過程中反思,機械運動只存在於人造的世界之中,生物有機表面所能呈現的表面超能力遠超過當代科技的範疇,企圖透過人為機械來模仿自然仍然有許多值得深化探討的議題;從單式運動進展到複式運動,甚至邁向階層式的機械表面運動狀態,都是企圖向自然學習的一個初步途徑, 在模仿學習的過程中同時思索人為世界與自然之間的關係。


The forms of architectural surface have evolved over generations, from thick, heavy masonry walls to thin, light curtain walls. In the process of studying architectural surfaces, people have kept discovering knowledge for the application of new substances and materials, and the historical mission of walls in terms of weight-loading has been gradually discharged, embarking on the emancipation and pluralization of the system of surfaces. In the digital era of information explosion, precise computer-aided design and manufacturing techniques have allowed designers to focus the issue of architectural design on "hyper-surface", leading to the creation of more diverse surface forms. By means of the simulation through computer animation as the tool of design conceptualization and operation, the study would try to look into the potential for kinetic surfaces of organic architecture with an eye on a typological analysis of the development of the forms of kinetic surface. The study would also apply digital fabrication techniques to reflect on buildings with kinetic surfaces in a bid to explore the potential for applying digital technologies to develop buildings with kinetic surfaces shaped by the process in which organic kinetic surfaces are conceptualized, meditated, simulated, fabricated and assembled. Computer animation software have employed to simulate surface waves when the idea of kinetic surface develops, transforming surface waves in motion into the ripple simulation of movements generated by mechanical kinetic surfaces. With the experiences of the ripple simulation, specific devices for generating kinetic-surface ripple have been developed to create more kinetic-surface devices, such as those for ripple wall, mechanical leaf wall, powered mechanical leaf wall and mechanical leaf wall of the multiple-cannular style. The process from developing concepts of the devices to materializing the concepts has revealed that mechanical movements only existed in the artificial world. However, the capabilities demonstrated by life forms' organic surfaces go beyond the scope of modern technologies, and, as a result, there are still many issues, with regard to human attempts to imitate Nature through artificial machinery, which are worthy of more investigations. From single-mode movements to multiple-mode ones, even to the movements of mechanical surfaces in a hierarchical form, all of them are the preliminary approaches to try to learn lessons from Nature. Meanwhile, the process of imitation and learning has enabled researchers to ponder over the relations between artificial objects and Nature.



