  • 學位論文


The explanation of the solitude experiences among adolescents.

指導教授 : 林淑萍


獨處,是心理學上較少被提及的議題,然而卻是生命中無可避免的情境。在發展歷程中,青少年階段首重同儕相處是早已得知的發展任務,然而近年的研究開始提出獨處與同儕相處皆是青少年時期所需要經歷及學習的發展重點。本研究旨在瞭解目前就讀於國中階段的青少年早期獨處經驗,以及其自我認同發展現況。有鑑於台灣自1990年代起跨國婚姻的新興現象,其為數漸多的跨國婚姻家庭子女目是進入國中就讀的高峰,因此在研究對象的選擇上含括跨國婚姻與本國婚姻家庭青少年子女。 本研究以質性之深度訪談方式進行,採方便取樣原則,研究對象為台北市四位跨國婚姻家庭青少年子女和四位本國婚姻家庭子女,其研究結果如下: 一、獨處與同儕相處是一個變動的歷程 (一)跨國婚姻和本國婚姻家庭的青少年,在獨處及同儕相處間沒有差異 (二)獨處—同儕相處具主動及被動選擇因素 (三)由獨處模式轉成同儕相處模式,是一個必經過程 (四)獨處感受不見得孤獨、同儕相處也不盡然愉悅 二、自我認同尚在發展雛形 (一)跨國婚姻比本國婚姻家庭青少年子女多了一項身分/國籍認同的任務 (二)跨國婚姻與本國婚姻家庭青少年子女的自我形象認同歷程沒有差異 (三)自我認同的歷程處於發現、覺察時期,尚未進入開始整合的階段 (四)對於未來自我的描述較現在自我的描述更為詳細且富想像 (五)對未來選擇職業志向部分首以金錢價值為考量 本研究期望為教育學界帶來對獨處的重視,在期望青少年與同儕有良好的相處之外,也能重視他們在獨處時的經驗並加以學習獨處,同時在獨處與同儕之間找尋適切的平衡位置。自我認同的發展方面,冀望學界能夠開啟多元文化視野,教導其認識包括身邊的同儕即是來自他國文化,促進其相互同理與瞭解,同時協助跨國婚姻家庭的青少年子女發展身分及國籍認同,並鼓勵青少年發展自己的興趣與專長,而非被框架於社會的金錢價值中。


青少年 獨處 同儕 跨國婚姻


Solitude is inevitable in life experiences, but only a few studies have explored this topic in psychology. Contrasted with solitude, getting along with peers has been viewed as an important developmental task in adolescence. However, many researchers have proposed that solitude and getting along with peers should both be considered important in adolescent development. This study focuses on understanding solitude experiences and self-identification of junior high school students. Moreover, transnational marriage has become an emerging phenomenon in Taiwan since 1990, and many children from these families have started to study in junior high school. This explains why the sample in the present study focuses on those who were born and raised in bi-cultural families and local families. This study utilizes qualitative analysis with interviews to gather data. The participants are teenagers living in Taipei, including 4 teenagers coming from bi-cultural families and 4 teenagers coming from local families. The research results are listed as follows: First, solitude and staying with peers are variant progresses: (1) No significant differences exist between those from bi-cultural families and local families regarding solitude and staying with peers. (2) Active and passive selection factors exist in solitude and staying with peers. (3) It is an essential process to transform solitude into getting along with peers. (4) Solitude is not necessary to be lonely, and getting along with peers is not necessary in being happy. Second, self-identification is still in a prototype development stage: (1) As compared with the adolescents coming from local families, the adolescents from bi-cultural families have an additional task; namely, nationality identification. (2) No significant differences exist between those who are coming from bi-cultural and local families regarding self-identification progress. (3) Self-identification is still in the discovery stage rather than the integration stage. (4) They can describe their future self-identification more clearly than current self-identification. (5) They choose their future careers in terms of the value of money. It is hoped that the results of this study can inspire other researchers and educators to give increased focus to the topic of solitude. Besides expecting adolescents to get along well with their peers, it is also important to pay attention to their solitude experiences and help them keep a balance between these two aspects of their lives. As for self-identification, it is hoped that academic circles can give increased attention to the following tasks. First, teaching adolescents to understand their peers who come from bi-cultural families. Second, helping adolescents who are coming from bi-cultural families identify their nationalities. Finally, to encourage adolescents to develop their own interests rather than being restricted by social values.


adolescents solitude peer bi-culture family



