  • 學位論文


The description of the character and the virtual image in Maupassant’s novel 《Bel-Ami》

指導教授 : 鄭安群


莫泊桑(Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant, 1850 ~ 1893)是十九世紀後半期法國師承於福樓拜(Gustave Flaubert)之風格的傑出作家,享有「短篇小說之王」的美譽。其中,莫泊桑最為人所知的短篇小說《脂肪球》《Boule de Suif》與長篇小說《她的一生》《Une vie》為他在法國文壇奠定了重要的地位。而莫泊桑的第二部長篇小說《美男子》《Bel-Ami》於一八八五年出版,這部經典作品也是莫泊桑長篇小說的代表作之一。 本論文主要探究《美男子》《Bel-Ami》這部小說中對人物與事件多樣的描寫手法,其中以豐富的人物描寫手法、鏡像描繪,以及虛擬形象進行主要的研究。本論文總共分成三大部分進行探討。研究架構主要是以文本分析為主,第一章以探究「莫泊桑的文學創作觀」為主軸,研究莫泊桑是如何看待小說之創作,分析莫式之文學創作要素與理論,並且探討小說的基本結構,以及小說裡主要的敘事特徵。 第二章嘗試採用敘事學的研究方法,深入探究小說中的描寫方法。第一節主要是以研究「服飾」與「空間環境」這兩種描寫方法為主,主要是分析小說中對於人物的外在描繪。第二節是對於人物目光的描寫予以分析。第三節則將對於小說中人物的慣性動作進行深入地剖析。 第三章研究的主旨是探討小說中人物的虛擬形象。第一節先闡述與人物的虛擬形象有關聯的背景與來源,包括鏡子與幻象(le double)。第二小節主要是探究透過「鏡子」此一特殊媒介,來研究人物所展現出的虛擬形象,以及此種描寫手法與作用。第三節則將探究主角喬治•杜洛華(Georges Duroy)與小說中出現的畫中人物─耶穌,分析兩者之間產生的重複性與其功用。


Maupassant (Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant, 1850 ~ 1893) was an outstanding 19th-century French writer, who is a protege of Flaubert(Gustave Flaubert). He also has the reputation of “the king of the short story”. As the best known creations of Maupassant, the short story Boule de Suif and the novel Une vie, which were made to help Maupassant hold an important position in French literary. And Maupassant’s second novel, Bel-Ami, which was published in 1885, is one of the masterpieces of his novels. This Thesis is to research the diverse descriptions of the characters and events in the novel Bel-Ami, which is focused on the description of the character and the mirror image, as well as the virtual image. This Thesis is divided into three parts. The main research is based on an analysis of the text. In the first chapter, the main topic is “the literary writing concept of Maupassant” to explore how he handles literary creation, as well as the elements and the theory of literary writing. Besides, we must also figure out the basic structure and the main narrative features of the novel. In the second chapter, based on the methods of narratology, we try to analyse the mode of description in the novel. The main study of the first section is “costume” and “space environment”. These two descriptive methods are mainly for the analysis of the character’s external description in the novel. Section II is to analyze the description of the character’s gaze. Section III is to analyze “the habitual action of the character” in the novel. In the third chapter, the main gist is to explore the virtual image of the character in the novel. At first, section I is going to describe the background and the source which are associated with the virtual image, including mirror and illusion (le double). Then, section II is mainly to explore how Maupassant used “mirror” as the particular media to express the virtual image of the character, also the method and the effects of the description. At last, section III is going to analyze the repeatability and the function of the roles Georges Duroy and Jesus of the painting in this novel.


Rey-Debove, Josette (sous la direction), Dictionnaire du français. Le Robert & Cle international, Paris : Le Robert, Cle, 1999.
Turnell, Martin, The art of French fiction, New York : New Directions, 1959.
Bel-Ami de Philippe Triboit (2005)
