  • 學位論文


A Study on the Cultural Conflicts of Bread in East Asia―Focusing on Spread of Bread

指導教授 : 石田光義


本論文主要是探討由小麥文化而生的麵包,是經由何種傳播路線,成為世界上普遍的食品。由此處開始探討並概述小麥文化的形成與東亞及日本等地之小麥文化。在東亞的中國有其固有的小麥文化,並已形成自成一格的中式麵點。為此,必須說明麵包與中式麵點之關係。食物是會隨文化及環境風土而變化的,藉由定義麵包之義含,概述其與中式麵點之區別。然後,確認麵包文化與小麥栽種的關係後,概述麵包文化自西亞向西往歐洲傳播,向東到達中國之路徑(經絲路)與方法(藉由戰爭與貿易)。之後,探討位於東亞季風圈的中國、日本與台灣所形成的稻作文化,與小麥輪作後,對該地區居民之飲食習慣造成何種影響。   最後,本研究所導出之結論如下:麵包文化的發展與農業開發(小麥的種植)與民族之間的交流(戰爭、貿易)密切的關係。並且,基於強勢文化的麵包文化,去解釋所有小麥文化裡的麵粉製品是不合適的。在東亞國家中,只有日本是與麵包文化有高度融合結果的國家。


小麥 麵包 中式麵點 絲路 米食文化 麵包文化


This thesis examines the spread of the wheat culture by taking a close look at the the how bread traveled to the world from its point of origin throughout history, Today, wheat culture has a place in East Asia countries such as Japan, etc. China has its own native wheat culture, which is identified as the Chinese Wheat Food system. Thorough data analysis, I attempted at finding out the relations between bread and Chinese Wheat Food. Food is a reflection of culture and local environment condition. As a result, food that can be called bread has different characteristics from area to area. Therefore, it was necessary to clarify the definition of bread, distinguish Chinese Wheat Food from what we know as bread. The first thing to do in order to support the theory was to establish the connection of bread culture and wheat planting, it is necessary to clarify the migration route of bread culture. The bread culture started in East Asia and then propagated westward, and was embraced by the Europeans. Then, bread traveled to the east through the Silk Road and merged into Chinese Wheat Food. Bread culture found stronger footing in East Asia through cultural exchanges in the form of trade and war. In China, Japan and Taiwan, the diet culture have been predominately rice based and each region has strong local characteristics, but since exposure to bread, the farming system have been mostly converted to double-dropping systems. This thesis also made an attempt to examine the dietary composition of people in these areas. In conclusion: the development of wheat-planting in previously rice-dominance areas, and the communication between different races have close connection with bread culture. I think that it is not appropriate to label every food item made with wheat flour as a type of bread. Finally, it is note-worthy that Japan is the place where traditional Food Culture integrated with Bread Culture in East Asia most successfully.


Wheat Bread Chinese Wheat Food Silk Road Rice Culture Bread Culture


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